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Derek's POV

"So, what were you and Alissa doing today?" I asked Marcus as we set the dinner table.

"Nothing much," he shrugged.

"Much?" I asked as Rebekah stomped into the room anger flashing in her eyes, I'm sure, at the mere mention of Alissa's name.

"I'm gonna leave you two together," he awkwardly said slipping out of the room.

"Hey, baby," she coed pressing her lips onto mine.

"Hey," I said lifting the corners of my mouth up in what is hopefully a smile before I wrapped my arms around her.

Even if it makes me the bad guy by admitting this, but I want Alissa to be the one in my arms right now- I want to be with her. I don't know what happened this morning, and it's been driving me mad; not knowing. We kissed, she said it was wasn't a mistake and then BAM! What happened? I need to know because if I can fix it then I'd go to extreme lengths to do so.

It baffles me why Alissa means so much to me, I mean, before the crash, to me, she was only Casper's booty call, yet now, the thought of her with some other guy drives me nuts.

I had never been so.. so attached to someone. They say opposites attract, and while Alissa and I are alike, we're still different in some ways- it's like we complete one another; if I have the questions, she has the answers, if I have the paper, she has the pen. I don't think that makes much sense, but that's all I can come up with when I think of Alissa and I.

I had tricked myself into believing that I was only attracted to her because she's a mystery- that once I solved that mystery I would forget about her, but day by day, I found myself thinking about her for no reason. It's like I'm not longer trying to solve the puzzle, I'm just trying to get to know her. I know this doesn't make sense, not one bit, but nonsense is all I've ever been good at.

"Do you wanna-"

"I got to go take a shower," I briefly pecked her lips once again before walking out of the kitchen.

Her lips felt stale on mine after Alissa's soft sweet lips, and the guilt of that thought was bound to eat away at me. I had asked Rebekah out again out of impulse because of Alissa's rejection and once I had calmed down I realized my mistake.

I shut the door behind me taking my shirt off yet the load on my shoulders didn't shift.

"Jesus," I mumbled with a heavy sigh.

I just wish things were simpler- and my neck would stop itching.

"Derek," Olly's voice sounded from behind the door.

Olly, how could I've done that to her? How could I asked Rebekah out again after everything?!

"Hey," I whispered shutting my eyes in tiredness.

"Are you gonna eat dinner with us or are you gonna eat with your girlfriend in her room?" She asked, stressing on the world girlfriend, letting herself in before shutting the door behind her.

"Olly, I-"

"You need to change this bandage," she smiled softly before pulling the bandage carefully off.


"You didn't tell us what happened to your neck."



"Olly, I'm sorry!" I yelled in frustration.

"Sorry for loving Rebekah and not me? That's nothing to be sorry about."

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