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"Wait! What did you do?! What could possibly make Wess blow up like that, Aly!" She asked grabbing my elbow before I could get too far.

"I didn't do shit!" I roared.

"Who is this boy he talks of?" She asked her eyes dancing between mine and the kitchen door.

"It's none of your damn business-"

"It is! It is if you've gotten yourself into a mess way bigger than you! Again! I am not going to sit back and watch you ruin yourself over and over! You always say that Dylan's disappearance shattered you, but do you want to know what I think?!"

"No," I said ice flowing into my veins like a dam that's been shattered at the mere thought of her thinking of Dylan and his disappearance.

"I think you shatter yourself; it's like you're on a ruin-myself-spree all the god damned time! Despite how strong you may seem, you're not that strong. You could be riding life like a hammock, and, the next thing you know, one of the strings break, and you're falling fast and bad-"

"I don't get the point you're arguing here, and it's because I solemnly don't care about what you have to say-"

"You know what, Alissa? FINE! You want to shut me out, fine, you want me to leave, fine, but I will say it at the top of my lungs when the time is right; I'll tell you 'I told you so'! I don't understand why you never listen to anything I have to say! I'm only saying it for your benefit! I am more experienced and I'm trying to help you! Mark my words; 'I told you so'," she seethed gritting her teeth as she breathed heavily.

"Wow, mom, what a childish way to go at it," I mumbled as she gave me her back and stormed off.

With a heavy sigh, I leaned against the wall trying to blink the tears away. I put a hand on my chest lamely attempting to calm my racing heart, yet all my shaking hand did was make my heart race more. I am pathetic.

My dad's got loads of money, money means power, and power means danger. Now, one would think that the power my dad is entitled to should make me feel safe, but no; during war, your enemy's army doesn't make you feel safe. This war, that my dad and I have been at for ages, only gets worse by the day. Every penny he makes, an enemy is made too, and it's known that fronts unite against the common enemy which is why when it comes to check mate, it's going to get nasty. It almost came to that when Dylan disappeared, but a few things threw me off track and onto a dark path where I lost my guiding light. God, though, knows I was ready to destroy that man.

"You better not think that this horrid shit is worth this!" His roars were ringing through the wall of the mansion shaking it with fear, anger and frustrated.

"That's a matter of opinion, dad," Jack fired back his voice rising slightly.

"Well, your opinion is MY opinion!" I jumped as the loud noise of shattering glass traveled through the air like a bullet.

"I beg to differ," Jack said contrasting the thunder roars coming from dad. Always been the polit one, Jack. If it were me, I would've jumped his skin if I had the chance.

"I can't even begin to fathom why you could possibly take her side in this!"

"She's my sister-"

"and I'm your father!"

"Exactly, you shouldn't be doing this! I think it would be bad for business if it gets out that you, a great old man, are getting at it with a kid not nearly even half your age!" He roared back losing his composure.

"She's a freaking slut! Alright? She's choosing a damned boy over this god damned family, can't you hear me?!" He screamed so loud, one would worry about him getting a heart attack.

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