Nicked pt.2

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"I don't think this is the road towards the other town," I said after a few moments of looking around.

"What did you just say?" she asked moving backwards.

No! No! I can't get a boner when she's sitting on my lap. Jesus, no!

"I don't think-"

"Yeah, I heard you but how? I mean, I took the third exit just as you said!"

"The third?" I repeated.


"We're headed towards the big apple," I said letting out the heaviest sigh there is in the history of heavy sighs.

I had to be back in town tonight. Rebekah needs me. Well preciously, I need to get Rebekah out of the shit she's in. It's not everyday that your ex girlfriend that lives in a house with you and another ex girlfriend of yours has a clingy abusive stalker-ish one night stand.

"What are we going to do?"

For the first time, I really didn't know what to do. I didn't have any suggestions either since we're literally in the middle of no where. There aren't any motels on this road. Not for a few hours ahead.

"Well, we can't walk back home, we can't drive either and you won't leave the car here alone, not that there's anywhere we can go, so I guess we should start picking up the glass if we want to have somewhere to sleep tonight."

"We're going to sleep out here?" she asked with wide eyes as she looked at her surroundings.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you," I said resting my hand on her thigh.

Throughout the past weeks, I've managed to memorize Alissa's face. I can't say that I don't like gazing at her even though it's creepy but at first it was because every time I discovered something else like a scar or something then I started gazing at her as I was struck by her features. She's truly gorgeous and such beauty should be appreciated. This morning when she left because I wouldn't stay with her, I wanted to slap myself so hard when she left running through the front door, I should've ran after her or heck, jumped in front of her car because she's worth it. I didn't want to leave her. I had gotten used to cuddling with her in bed and I had thought that it would be better if we stopped at this since neither of us wanted to get attached. I know that it's too late to not be attached, I know, yet I can't be honest with myself because attachment means heartbreak and I'm not ready for that. I, also, don't know why she thinks I'm back with Rebekah. I'm just helping her out and I made sure not to send the wrong message to Rebekah or anyone else. Oh and Olly, she must be truly naive if she thinks Olly wants me back for what I did to her is unforgivable to the point where I can't even think about forgiving myself.

On another point, I feel like I'm to blame when it comes to Tia cutting ties with Alissa and I know Alissa is hurting even if she says otherwise. I see the way Ally looks at her and she thinks she's got her hurt covered but I can see through that mask as of it wasn't there in the first place.

"I know you will," she whispered kissing my cheek.

Her lips were just so soft and full against my cheek. Her body heat was warming me up deeply even though it's not much. Her soft body felt perfect and fit against mine. How can I ever let her go? How do I expect to ever be the same after she changed me so much?

"Alissa," I began softly.


"Would you like to stay with me when we get back? Maybe 4 nights out of 7 a week?" I asked.

She didn't answer. She just kept staring at me and when she looked at me like that I felt like she's seeing through all my lies. I always feel bare under that gaze. I don't believe in eye language and shit yet I do believe that eyes are mirrors; what you see in someone's eyes is a reflection of your eyes and right now I see hesitant sad eyes. My eyes.

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