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I sank to the floor elegantly as the music fell softer. The passion for ballet has always been burning deep in my roots, but what I was feeling now, as I actually danced the piece, was an explosion. I found harmony in the fire the notes set to my veins as I moved freely to the music the first time aroumd, and I still feel it till this second.

"You never cease to amaze me with your talent," a deep unfamiliar voice bounced off the walls of my bedroom making me jump in horror.

I turned on my heels, ready to scream and jump the intruder. No one ever comes into the prisoner's cell, now don't they?

"Leave," I said coldly once I realized who was the 'intruder'. Don't get me wrong, he IS an intruder, but you can't REALLY be an intruder if your room is three doors down.

Without uttering another word, he walked away. I couldn't decipher if I wanted him to yell at me just for the sake of acknowledgement or if I just wanted him gone.

"Yeah, screw you, Harry," I mumbled.

I know that, yes, I told him to leave, but it didn't necessarily mean that I wanted him to actually leave. And if I did want him to leave, then at least I wanted him to say something. Heck, even curse me, and the day I was born- anything would be fine! Anything, but the deafening silence.

Shaking my head, I slipped my ballet shoes off before I made my way to the downstairs kitchen. There was nothing better than cereals right now. Oh, and walking bare foot after 2 hours of ballet, that my friends is a feeling of salvation.

"Can I help you with something, darling?" One of the maids asked.

"Yes, you can leave me alone," I mumbled. I've always hated these maids, and their gossipy chats revolving around me.


"And you can leave the kitchen too," I said smiling innocently before I dropped my tired ass on a chair, and the smile off my face.

"Yes, of course."

"And tell Karson that I want to talk to her!"

"Right away."

"Marine, stop ruining Betty's party! She's trying to have fun with Dylan before he gets busy with life!-"

"How are you this oblivious? Can't you see?! Something's going on today and here that none of us know about!"

"Yeah, like something's been happening since Betty became our friend, right?! Marine, you're just jealous, and it's okay to be jealous; it's hard to accept someone like Betty into our group- and I know that lately I've been paying her more attention than you, which I promise I'll work on, but until then you can't do this! Dylan is non-officialy graduating in a couple of weeks, ahead of his class, which means she doesn't have the rest of the school year with him. This is a party-"

"Alissa, she's sleeping with his senior!"


"She's sleeping with his senior assistant student! I don't know why, but I bet you it has something to do with him graduating-"

"Dylan's graduating ONLY because of the great effort he put into this, Marine!"

"Betty is cheating on Dylan with one of the senior assistant students, if you don't believe me, just check the surveillance cameras of the classrooms that no one thought were working!" 

And just then, did I realize that the whole room had fallen silent, and Marine had been screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Dylan, she's lying!" Betty's voice sounded through the now silent crowd as she chased after Dylan.

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