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Derek's POV

Something changed; when she had left the house that day, something had changed. Something big because when Alissa strolled down the halls at school that day, something was outrageously different, and even if it wasn't obvious, it sure as hell felt like it. I hadn't placed my finger on it until lunch had rolled around.

It was everything that ranged between chaotic and brutish; a real version of Mean Girls. She was out of control; anyone not on her white-list suffered substantially, and let me tell you this-  her white-list wasn't that long.

The nerds, the cheerleaders 'below her', the geeks, everyone did- heck, even the jocks and preps did. She made everyone's day a nightmare by just setting her eyes on them and deciding that it's okay to ruin this person's day. Everyone started to cower out of her way in the hallways, and everyone started to fear her again. If they had thought they saw her worst after Dylan's disappearance, they'd gotten their facts straight today. Alissa is full of so much anger towards this school and its people, and they were remunerating for it.

That was only day one, and it only got worse.

Day 2

I watched as she walked the hallways as if they were her own personal runways. I thought today was going to be better, and that yesterday she'd done those awfully hurtful things just because she was angry, but that all went down the drain when she grabbed a girl's Pepsi Cola can and dumped it all over her.

'Get a better fashion taste soon,' she had said.

It was lunch time now, and everyone was already talking about all the things she's already done. The cafeteria was uncharacteristically chaotic; everyone was rushing to grab their lunch and flee the area before Alissa showed up.

"Marcus, what is happening?" I asked, and he didn't need much to know that I was talking about Alissa's new found attitude.

"I don't know! She won't talk to me nor Alex!"

"This has to end!" I yelled motioning towards the people parting ways for her to pass like she's some damn queen.

"I get that you care-"

"This is wrong, alright? I care for Alissa, not this bitch. I know Alissa, and I know that this isn't herself, so fix it just like you had stood between us a couple of days ago."

Day 3

"Bekka, what happened?" I asked trying not to cringe at the sight of my ugly crying girlfriend.

"That bitch had me kicked out of the cheerleaders' team before my first day!" She wailed.

"What? How?"

"As vice-captain, she has a say in who gets on the team, and the captain herself worships Alissa-"


"She said that 'whores' aren't allowed on the team, and that she heard me call her a slut, so I should consider this payback."

At this moment, I realized that Alissa kai could be cold if she wanted to. I, when I used to stay at her place, once told her how Rebekah wanted nothing more than to be on the cheerleading team like her mom.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked rubbing her back soothingly.

"Yes, fix this!"

"How am I supposed to do that?" I asked with a scoff.

Was she really blaming me for Alissa's outrageous change of attitude?

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