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"I don't know where you live but I figured you'd want to change into something else to cover your beautiful ass, these are my brother's they should fit you," Tia said

I was so glad Tia was here, especially because she made sure to keep the conversation away from me. I was a little mad still. He can't deny he crossed the limit, yeah he meant it to be a good act of kindness, but still. However, I wasn't sure if I'm mad mainly because none of my brothers came or at Derek. I've got no clue why dad hadn't told mom yet, because if he did, she would've called. Right? She wouldn't leave her youngest child and only daughter like this. She promised to never be like the boys.

Although it wouldn't be a surprise. I didn't have much faith in my family. I like to think that my presence disturbs them, agitates them even. As a child it used to hurt like hell but as the years passed, I've gotten used to the disappointed looks, and the huffs and puffs when I enter a room.

"Alissa stop acting so awkward and sit down," She whisper yelled.

A small part of me thought that i was overreacting, and that I should thank him. Should I though?

"I'm still a bit mad, but thank you," I said after a few minutes of thinking.

"They didn't show up?" he asked.

"Anthony did," I said fighting back the surge of emotions that took over my senses.

"You don't have to lie or hide the truth Alissa," he said frustrated.

"Apollo, drop it sweetie pie," Tia warned.

Something felt weird. The way he was looking at me, as if it wasn't the first time this, concern, was written all over his face.

Just as I was about to question this concern, the door slammed into the wall and 4 boys stared back at him.

"You okay man?" One of them asked putting a hand on top of his head.

They all looked worried, but not as much as the girl that came in 2 seconds later.

"Oh my god," she whispered, tears clear in her eyes.

"Olly I'm okay," Derek rushed.

"I didn't know or think he had a girlfriend," Tia whispered standing next to me.

"Are you blind?" The short, red-headed girl screamed in my face.

"Back up sugar," I barked. My shoulders were squared in defense.

"Marcus," Derek snapped.

A petit guy with brownish blondish hair, Marcus, grabbed her, Olly, from her waist and pulled her back. Good, or I would've hurt that rash girl.

"I'm Dave," the guy with jet black hair and fair skin tone said stretching a hand out.

"I'm Alissa and this is Tiara," I said shaking it.

"Excuse Olly, but she gets very protective over him sometimes. All the time," Marcus said as he hugged a crying Olly.

"We are going to leave you accompany your friend. Come on Tia," I grabbed her hand and started on my way to the door.

"You said you'll stay," Derek rushed.

"I never said I wasn't coming back," I called.

"I thought he didn't have friends to be honest, let alone a girlfriend," Tia said in disbelief.

"Why is it a bother? Do you want him?" I teased.

"No, but I already came up with a ship name for you and him," she teased back. I think.

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