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"Are you sure you don't want to skip school?" He asked running his palms down my arms' lengths.


"Let's skip school, then, until, maybe, lunch because you're honestly in no shape to stay at school."

I looked at my reflection on the glass and wanted to flinch; I do look like I come from a long line of poop for a family.

"Finals are in 8 days; we can't skip class," the rational part of me tried to reason.

"Exactly, we need to get you back to your bubbly self. What are we going to do in finals if you're feeling like shit?"

"Can you stop being so sweet! You'll make me fall in love with you," I whispered as I hugged him again.

Honestly, his arms felt like a safe place; soft yet firm but warm and cozy. His body warmth was doing so much in heating my cold body,  just his touch seemed to calm me down, and I'm clueless as to why. Maybe it's because I let him in, and it's all in my mind; these things. I don't know neither care because I like this, and I'm so thankful that he's here. I'm sort of thankful he picked up instead of Alexis yesterday.

"Do you like Sushi?" He asked looking away trying to hide the redness of his cheek. Cute.

"I love Sushi!" I beamed at him.

"Then, Sushi, here we come!" He called with a soft smile grabbing my hand and lead me towards the main doors.

"They won't let you out, you know," I repeated his words from the last time we were skipping.

"Um, Why do you keep forgetting that you're Alissa Kai?" He remarked sassiness dripping from his tongue. 

I let a soft chuckle escape my lips. I couldn't let the sound of my laugh become foreign, that's not  something strong people do.

"Oh shit! I forgot phone charging in homeroom. Stay here; I'll only be a minute," he mumbled face palming himself.

"Sure," I wasn't sure what expression my face is wearing, but I'm sure it's genuinely positive.

I leaned on the stag of lockers behind me wondering why I came to school today when I could've just slept in, I mean, it's not like I care about finals or anything.

"I guess your fuckie buddy has a lot of haters," an all too familiar voice snorted.

"I didn't peg your for a stalker, honestly," I said and only after that did his words finally register in, and I put two and two together; Derek's face.


"Listen up, Muller, you stay away from Derek or I swear to god I will ruin you. You seem to think that being the principal's son is quite the power, but let me remind you that my last name is Kai, and I can ruin you without blinking," I poured all the anger pooling in my veins in that threat to make sure he understood that I was dead serious.

"Wow wow baby girl! I didn't paint that beautiful canvas on your fuckie's face- even though I wish I did."

"You didn't do it?"

"Were you listening-"

"Who did that then?" I asked, and I wanted to scold myself for caring.

Had he gotten into a fight?

I wouldn't care.

Why had he gotten into a fight?

I shouldn't care.

Is he okay?

I couldn't care.

Not anymore.

"Rumor has it that it's some dude on the football team."

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