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This chapter is neither edited thoroughly nor reread!! Sorry!!

Derek's POV

"Tommen!" A loud shrill breaks the silence that the house had been lapsed in making me immediately scramble down the stairs, for it was Marcus who called, and he was supposed to be with Alissa till the end of the night- at least that's what he said before his phone died.

I almost ran back up the stairs in fear when I saw him carrying Alissa's limp body. My heart sank to my feet and bile rose to my throat as I scrutinized her body for any sign of injury.

"What happened?!" I roared.

"I don't know! She just started to panic and fainted," he explained overwrought  as he laid her on the couch.

"Oh my god!" Alex gasped her eyes narrowing down on her lifeless body. I couldn't look at her any longer; it made me at unease. Not only was her face pale as hell, but her features were morphed into a horrified look, a look of someone who had a seen a ghost or witnessed a murder.

"She was going on about someone before she started to have a panic attack. She couldn't breathe for the life of her, and it just happened so f-fast! I couldn't call an ambulance; my phone's dead, and I didn't know what to do!" He explained waving frantically.

"She'll be fine, but when she wakes up, it's better if she checks in with her doctor to make sure it's just the panic attack. Until then, make sure she's comfortable," Tommen said effortlessly before he retreated back upstairs.

Can't he fucking be more useful!

"Can't be trusted with anything let alone anyone!" Alexis yelled slapping Marcus' arm.

"Here," Triss said handing me a pillow and a blanket.

"Come on, everyone leave the room. Let her sleep," I said leaving no place for discussion.

I handed Marcus the pillow and the blanket before I walked out of the room ahead of everyone, massaging my chest; there was this pinching ache nagging me.

"Does she not have a home to crash at?" Bekka grumbled walking out of the kitchen.

"Will you stop it!" Surprisingly, it wasn't me who snapped, but Olly.

It was always Rebakah against Olly, or both of them against the world together. This is new.

"Now you, too, care about her?" She snarled.

"Back off," Dave warned.

Dave had a strict 'Don't lay a finger on a girl, but that doesn't mean you can't throw shit at her' rule, he once threw a plate at her for being too loud. Her boyfriend or not, I appreciated it because it is hard dealing with Bekka most of the time.

I didn't waste another minute dwelling over it, I had other things on my mind. Who faints like that? Was it something serious or did she just faint out of panic? I found myself pacing relentlessly as worry seeped its way into my thoughts more and more.

"Calm down," Olly mouthed eyeing me.

I wasn't going to calm down until she wakes up! She was going to be fine, that I was sure of, it's just the reason that's worrying me. I waited a couple of minutes for Bekka to head upstairs before I almost sprinted towards Alissa.

"How the hell do you have that kind of effect on me?" I whispered stroking her hair. As I stared at her face, I found myself comparing her to Rebekah. Word may have it that Alissa is a bitch when that's only because she's popular, and she's defensive when it comes to her ego or heart, while Rebekah is just down right a bitch; not only from how she treats people, but just her attitude and behavior. Alissa has the purest biggest heart- open for anyone willing to get in despite what her brother may say. I, myself, still can't believe that I haven't fallen on my knees and begged her to give me another chance. I am losing my chance to Marcus, and that is killing me, for I have never EVER felt like this towards anyone, and he was making her feel that way towards HIM, not I. No matter how hard I tried, everything that happens, on a daily basis, I either relate to her or think about a sarcastic comment she'd throw in life's face. It's like, I'm trapping myself in an aura of her.

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