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"That's very philosophically true," he said smiling teasingly.

"Elaborate then, philosopher Marc."

"Marc?" He asked slightly frowning.

"Your name is a bit long; Mar-cus- too long. Besides, if you get to call me little phoenix, why don't I get to call you Marc?" I nudged his shoulder.

"Fine, I like it anyway," he chuckled nudging me back.

"Go on, give me a piece of your mind."

"Brave and honorable are two adjectives fit to describe a lover, back at their day. A brave warrior; someone who fights for his lover, a good friend; someone you can count on and have by your side, and pure as a new born baby; if you love someone their sins don't matter- it's like your eyes see them cleansed of their darkness-es and sins."

"That is very philosophical, indeed, but it's bull. I mean, healing tears? Really?"

"Read between the lines, Alissa, healing tears is a symbol for how strong they are- how rare their tears are."

For someone who reads all these books, I sure don't know how to 'read between the lines'.

"Okay, maybe you have a point, but after all it's a myth."

If it were true, I would've been healed a long time ago, I would've been healed from the pain of losing the only two things that bring me joy. If it were true, I would've been able to stand against Lish, my dad or Asher, I would be able to fight for the things and people I love, but it's not true.

I pushed the brew's door open, sucking in a breath of coffee and pastry aroma, and headed towards a table in corner. I somewhat felt okay with opening up to Marcus, maybe because he's the only one that has ever offered or maybe because he had trust-me vibes radiating off of him- I don't know.

"How do you like your coffee?" He asked setting his backpack down.

"I don't drink coffee."

"Are you human? A highschool student?" He asked chuckling.

"Yes and Yes."

"Would you like a smoothie or juice?"

"I'm not sure," I said making my way to the cashier where the menu was hung on the wall.

I skimmed through the options, not knowing what to choose as I don't usually sit at brews- just fancy restaurants even though the brew seems much nicer.

"The strawberry cheesecake smoothie is delicious," he suggested.

"What's a smoothie?" I blurted for the question has always wandered at the back of my mind.

I knew it was something normal, but I just didn't do normal. At the kind of hang-out-place I go to, it's either wine or champagne. The way he's looking at me doesn't exactly help my situation. I don't want him to think that I'm freak nor do I want him to laugh about it later among his friends.

"Wait here," he instructed shrugging off his jacket before jumping over the counter.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking around worryingly. We'd get in so much trouble for this, brew or fancy ass clubhouse.

"Don't worry," he chuckled working the machines.

He seemed at ease with a smile on his face. He moved freely as his back muscles flexed under his white see through shirt.

What am I doing? I shouldn't be checking him out or thinking about his back muscles or ANYTHING!

"Try it," he said handing me a sample cup. I looked between him, his gigantic smile, and the gooey liquid in the cup.

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