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"Will you shut that thing the fuck up!"

I woke up startled and nearing a heart attack. What the hell!

"Shut that damned thing up! Now!"

I rubbed my eyes awake, and then turned them to Melisha at the door.

Of course, it's this crazy motherfucker.

"Will you stop yelling?" I mumbled.

"Shut your phone up!" He roared.

"Jesus fucking Christ, get out!" I yelled grabbing a coaster off my nightstand and plunged it at him.

Ignoring all his shrieking, threats and profanities, I grabbed my buzzing phone. 50 missed calls; something is definitely wrong.

I felt my heart beat pick up as my eyes roamed over the different red colored numbers in my call log. All in the past 45 minutes. Marcus, Dave, Olly, Tris and Alex.

Just as I was about to call Alex, her name popped up on my screen, and her ridiculous annoying ringtone blared out of the speaker.

"Alexis, what's going on?!" I asked feeling my heart sink to my feet from the dread.

"Alissa! Why haven't you been picking up? I called a thousand times!-"

"I was sleeping-"

"Derek, he's in the hospital!"


"Yeah, he was beaten up-"

"What hospital?" I asked already on my feet and grabed my car keys.

"The local one."

"Alright, I'm on my way!"

I pulled my shoes on before I sprinted down the stairs and into my car.

Beaten up? When? Where? Why? My mind was running wild by the time I parked my car and ran through the entrance, for I had this feeling that it was bad. Not knowing how bad it is was killing me slowly.

"Alissa!" Marcus called.

"What happened?" I asked halting to a stop in front of him.

"Calm down-"

"Is it bad?"


"Marcus, tell me, please!"

"A bit, yes," he said dropping his eyes to the ground.

Present Time

I slipped my phone back into my back pocket before I reentered the personal prison.

"Everything okay?" Marcus whispered slipping a hand around my waist.

"Yeah," I mumbled pulling him closer.

Everyone was sitting in the dreadful waiting room anticipating Derek's doctor thumbs up, but I just couldn't sit and wait around anymore. I kept pacing all over the room despite their protests. I couldn't stop until Marcus drew me closer to his chair and wrapped an arm around my waist to get me to stop pacing. At first, his touch calmed me down a bit, but after a few more agonizing minutes, I just couldn't.

"Does anyone want something to eat or drink?" Marcus asked getting up.

A union of 'coffee' sounded around the room before Marcus dragged me away, and I let him, for I needed the distraction.

"Stop being so worried. It's nothing too bad- at least that's what the girl told them."

"What girl?" I asked turning to him.

Crash: ForsakenWhere stories live. Discover now