The Gift of Singleness

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This one goes out to all the single people out there. You didn't think I would leave you out did you?

Looking back on this from when I first wrote it, this is more for in the long term such as having to do with marriage rather than relationships but it pretty much talks about the same stuff. So some parts I might've put dating and other parts marriage.

So a lot of us now maybe feel like we need someone else. We see this person has a boyfriend or this person has a girlfriend and we feel "left out". We feel like we are missing something or that we are alone and the only way to stop feeling like that is to find a partner. Now there may be some of you who are just like I don't care about any of that stuff which is fine. Dating has its perks just like being single has its perks even if you don't believe there are any.

1 Corinthians 7:7-8 says "I wish that all were as I myself am. But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another. To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single, as I am". This was Paul saying this and he is saying it to everyone. He is not telling us that we can't. Now, Paul never married or even considered getting married but spent his life spreading the word of God. I say marriage cause he didn't get married but this includes relationships too.

Each and every one of us has our own gifts from God. Some people can use these gifts better when they are single or some people can use these gifts better if they are married. Keep in mind the most important thing in life is to serve God. It is not a sin to be single and it is not a sin to get married but some people work better in different areas. If you are unsure ask God and he will respond (Matthew 7:7).

Singleness can even be viewed as a higher calling. If it is God's will to be single be single because if we follow God's plan his perfect will for us will be fulfilled. People who are single also have more time to serve the lord. They don't have to worry about what comes from a relationship or how the relationship is doing. Remember, God promises to meet our needs but says nothing about meeting someone or getting married to them. If it is God's will for you to be married he will bring the person into your life so you can marry this person.

Jesus says in Matthew 19:11 that "Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given". Keep in mind that Jesus was a virgin and never got married. I mean, the church is his bride but he never got married to a person.

There does come struggles with singleness just like there are struggles with dating. In the beginning Eve was created to meet Adam's need for companionship. Single people can struggle with loneliness and sexual temptation. Now, not every one may get married or have a relationship but you still shouldn't be alone. You can be single and have friends. No one should be completely isolated or alone.

God may have a plan for you to be single now and to get married in the future. He may have a plan for people that are married to be single in the future. You may never get married but just know God has a plan for you and his plan is so much better than you could ever imagine. For all the people that are single take the time and serve the lord. He has given you it and it is a gift. The gift of singleness.

I hope this helped you guys and has given you a new perspective on it. Don't worry that your single. Take the time and be happy that you are 😂 God has a plan for you!

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