Different sins for different people

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This is a topic that I did not really think to do until today but one little verse really made me think so I will do a topic about it!

There is one verse in the Bible that sort of changed my perspective on sin. We usually see someone else sin and think that it is a sin altogether but the truth is sin can be different for everyone.

James 4:17 says "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin". I stumbled upon this verse recently and it really made me think. A lot of Christians say this is a sin and that is a sin but what if it is a sin FOR YOU? Doing the right thing can be different for different people.

I feel like we miss the message. Even I fail to see the message. If we look at Ephesians 5:15 it says "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise". We should stop thinking is this a sin? Or is that a sin? Because most likely you won't find an answer. God doesn't make the Bible crystal clear on what to do or what not to do. Instead we should be thinking about "is this wise"? Or "will this help me"?

This chapter is short but the reason I am making it is to say that sin can be different for everyone else. Yes, there are sins that are sins for everyone but when we think about things that we cannot find in the Bible just think and ask yourself if it is a good decision. We still know whether we do right or wrong because God will tell us but we should be careful with some of the stuff we would say is sin. If it does more harm than good then you know not to do it. Do what is wise and best for you and do not be unwise to where you do something that is not good for you.

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