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Sometimes I hesitate to open up my Bible. There is just something about it and sometimes I just don't want to open up. I keep messing up... struggling... wondering why this is happening. At the same time I know I need to be in it no matter how I am feeling. I need discipline. I live in this world distracted... distracted by phones and computers. Maybe that is my problem. There is just so much to focus on and it seems like we always turn our attention to a new thing and forget about the Bible. I often have a struggle inside me to open it up but when I do I just feel better. I read happy passages and sad passages... getting into the psalms of David. They uplift me especially when he was weak and he wrote about how he was feeling. Why? Because I'm weak and I realize I'm not the only one struggling.

In Psalm 141:1 we see that David cries out to God. "Lord, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee". Now I don't know about you but I for one don't cry often talking to God. Yeah, once in a while I will get emotional and shed some tears but I truly believe if you want something out of praying you have to give it your all. If you want to seek God you dive into his word and give that your all.

This is something I wish to achieve as well. Getting so personal with God and telling him EVERYTHING so there is nothing left to tell him. How do we get to that point though? Psalm 119:18 says "Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law. What does this have to do with anything? David asked for wisdom! In the psalms he blots out his sins and asks to incline his ear to God's word. We see him at times happy and joyful and praising God and other times sad and depressed questioning God. But he asks for wisdom and I do believe that if we do that first we will receive it. I have always heard that we will not learn everything in this life in our walk with God because if we did we would be like God knowing everything. But I don't believe there is a limit to how much you can know. While you cannot know everything God can provide you wisdom with anything. That is so important!

As for discipline, I think the truth for me is that I just have to do it and this goes for everyone. We should not let stuff in this world distract us from what we need to do. Writing this story helps me by staying in the word. I think the key is to believe. Tonight just ask God for anything. It can be for wisdom or to ask him to give you discipline or ask him for encouragement or even just ask him for help with picking up your Bible! There are some days where I'd love to read my Bible and some days where I just don't feel like reading anything out of it. But I believe asking God for anything is a start and a chance to grow. Remember, it's a friendship. He will listen to you if you pray.

Hey guys so I have been gone for 4 1/2 months and after seeing that my story is still growing I felt the need to write again today.  I want to continue to reach people and write to you guys whether it be personal stuff about me or just topics. As far as I know I'm back and excited to get back to updating. Hope you guys are excited just as much as I am for the story. :) If you have any prayer requests feel free to leave them in the comments below!

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