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So I realized I never had an introduction for this story. If you want to count "proof" as an introduction you can do so. Since this has attracted so many Christians as well as people with other religions or none, I thought it would be proper to give an introduction for this story.

So many of you guys might have questions for Christianity. That is okay because I am still searching too! Some of you might not be Christian and want to learn more about Christianity. Whether you have questions or whether you want to learn more about Christianity this is the story for you! For this story I give my views and opinions with what I believe in as well as talk about topics of Christianity and even other religions! So many Christians today don't take the time to look at other religions and see other people's view on things but that is what I am trying to do with this story. This story is not for Christians alone and was never intended to be. This story is for anyone and everyone who wants to read. Everyone is welcome. Some topics in here might offend you but I do not mean to offend anybody. I talk about controversial subjects as well as subjects that you might want to know about or have questions for. If you want me to talk about a certain thing just contact me and I would love to make a chapter on whatever it is you want to know!

So what is Christianity exactly? We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and is God. We do not believe that he was a prophet or just human. We believe in having a relationship with Jesus and that the only way to get to God is through Jesus. We believe that Jesus died for our sins which means that anything I have done wrong or anything you have done wrong can be forgiven and forgotten through what Jesus has done for us. We believe he has taken our place that we deserve because of sin and believe that he was sinless. He took our place because he loved us that much. We believe that we have all done wrong; that no one is any worse or better than we are. We believe that everyone has sinned which is going against what God wants us to do. We believe in acceptance because Jesus showed acceptance. We believe in love because Jesus is love!

I don't know what you believe in. Whether you think you will go to hell for doing something wrong or feel like what you have done is so bad that you cannot be forgiven for it. If you have those kinds of thoughts keep reading because I know you will learn something new with this book. Whatever you are going through just know that we are here for you. If you have any questions do not be afraid to contact me because I might just have the answer to your question. I don't know everything but I will try my best to help any of you who need it.

I hope that my words can help you and that you can understand them. I hope that you will learn something from this book and have the questions you are looking for answered. I hope that this book will help you with whatever you are going through. That is what I want to do with this story. I hope that I can show you why I believe Christianity is unique and different and that it is more than just a religion and I hope that you see it too.

Christianity should not be forced on anyone but should be open to anyone who wants to believe it.

So I hope you guys enjoy my story Christianity: More Than A Religion.


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