A message to everyone!

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This is something I felt like I needed to tell everyone looking at this story.

Over the past 3 months of working on this story, it has been amazing. People private messaging me and asking ME for questions. People curious about stuff I can help explain to them and it has been amazing that I can help people with this story. Even if it just helps that one person it's worth it. I love how my story has attracted more than just Christians because it's not just about them, it's about everyone. It is not my job to force religion onto you or to force you to be a Christian. It is not my job to tell you to stop doing what you are doing because we have freewill.

There are a few chapters I will admit that could be worded better and that I can make better which I plan to update soon. Recently on my homosexuality chapter, people got offended because I did not think it was right. I never said I hated homosexuals. That chapter made me realize that this story is going to get hate and negative comments. On the bright side, more people have viewed my story which is amazing! So many people were so quick to slam me on my beliefs when most likely you have not read through any of this book. I'm not just pointing out that homosexuals are wrong I mean come on, read the other chapters! We are all sinners! So many people are so quick to get offended these days on what someone says. I'm not forcing anyone to do anything because ultimately it is their decision.

My job is to spread the truth and be a light in this dark world. Where so many people don't believe in a God yet so many of us need one and we are looking for something. That is my job. Not to force anyone to do anything but to spread the truth. If this God is a "false hope" I would rather live my life believing in a loving God and showing love to others than to believe in no God and be so empty inside. I'm still searching and looking myself! I have doubts as well! But see if there is not a God, who is going to be the one who judges our wrongs? We can admit we have done wrong because no one is perfect. So we should be held accountable for our wrongs just like someone would do wrong here on earth and go to jail for it.

You can believe in another God (or multiple) but I am going to continue spreading what I know to be true. If my God is not real, I don't see no other point in life. If God is not real, I would not have a desire to live, living my life never being satisfied. We are all searching and we all have a desire to think that there is something greater out there so why don't we search for it? I find my hope in Jesus and I don't care what anyone says. Believing in Jesus made me into the person I am today and has shown me love, mercy and grace, and to show that love to others. I would much rather live a life to serve others than myself because what's the point of serving myself when I can serve others? I can do that with this book!

I do not care how much hate I get. You can come at me. If you do not like what I post or do not like who I am, you can leave and are free to do so. No one is forcing you to stay here. People can call me whatever they want but I know Jesus sees me differently and that is what keeps me going. That someone as bad and as dirty as me would be of worth to someone, that would see me not just for my sin. Jesus gave me a second chance and in return I'm giving my life to him. To serve him and to tell other people the great news! That we can be saved and be forgiven for what we have done! That is what I want to do and that is out of my own freewill.

So to everyone who believes differently, I respect you and understand if you don't believe in what I believe in. That's totally fine but don't bash me just because you don't agree with what I say. I will not bash you but will simply state what I believe in and what I think is true. After all, this is a story that I decided to make. You can make your own and state your beliefs if you want! Lets show love and kindness to others!

John 13:34 says "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another".

I am thinking about changing some of the chapters and making them better because after reading comments and looking at them I didn't like how I worded them or I could have added more so expect that in the near future!

I love you guys! Thanks for everything!

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