14: Truths

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Maddison's P.O.V.

We get closer to the door but it bursts open and in walk Hotch, JJ and Sonny with their guns pointed directly ahead at us, "STOP! FBI!" Hotch calls to him.

Doyle quickly adjusts so the gun rests against my temple, "don't come any closer"

"Doyle, it's over. Let her go." JJ says to him, her hand steady as she points her weapon at us.

He chortles, "where's Donald?" He asks, "I talk to him or she's dead."

Hotch replies, "he's right outside. He'll come in only if you let her go, him for her."

"No!" I shout, not wanting anyone else to get hurt.

He pulls at my head to shut me up but responds, "not gonna happen. She wanted to come with me, she's mine now." I can feel his body tense.

"Get my dad in here!" I demand to them, "I want to see him."

Silence for a second before Hotch directs over his radio for my dad to come in. My dad walks in from the same door they came through with his hands up, no vest, no weapon, "take me Doyle, this isn't about her."

"It's about me!" He shouts to him, "it's about Kelly and the lives you took from me!"

My dad responds, "I didn't know she was pregnant. I assessed the injuries and I thought you had a better chance at survival. Her injury-- she wasn't going to make it either way."

"So you didn't even try!" He yells.

"Dad, listen to me. I'm going with Doyle. He wants a family and I'm going to give him one." I say, trying to show Doyle I'm on his side, willing to go with him.

Sonny responds, "what ? No."

I answer him, "it's my choice this time, and I made it. Doyle and I will start a family, the one he never got to have." I try to keep my voice from fluctuating from the emotion and pain I'm feeling.

"You hear that? She wants to co--" A single shot is heard from inside the building and Doyle's hand that's holding me up releases and I fall to the ground under him, blood splattered entirely across me.

The hype washes away from me and all of the pain and loss of blood catches up to me, "get him--get him off of me." I demand through labored breathes. Sonny is the first to reach me and with the help of Hotch they get Doyle's lifeless body off of me. "Sonny, I need to tell you--" I try to say to him.

"It's okay, you're going to be fine. I'm here." He doesn't let me finish, squeezing my hand, "get the paramedics!" He shouts, looking away from me for a just a moment.

"Honey, I am so sorry about all of this." My dad is now next to me.

I shake my head, "Dad, it's not your fault." I assure to him just as the medics arrive. They push Sonny and my dad away to start working on me. I try to keep consciousness, but find it harder and harder as they start to wheel me to the ambulance.

Sonny's P.O.V.

It's been a few hours since we got Maddison to the hospital and I just need to see her. Olivia flew here when she heard what happened. We all wait in the waiting room for the doctor to come out and tell us she is okay. Finally, a nurse comes out and says to us, "she's out of surgery. She's asking to see you all." She explains, opening the door for us to walk in.

I follow her to the room, followed by Olivia, her father, and the entire BAU squad. The nurse opens the door and I hurry over to her side. Hey eyes open slowly as I reach her hand, "hey Sons." She whispers out, a small smile forming on her lips.

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