34: Paperwork For Days

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A few hours go by before the team returns with the man who was accused of assaulting the women.  Amanda, Mike, Olivia and I watch Sonny and Finn interrogate Anton Krasnikov. On the ride over, Sonny informed me to get the paperwork ready for a stolen item, telling me he doesn't yet know he's coming down for the assault. As we watch the interrogation, it's clear early on what card this man is playing. Olivia turns off the sound and snorts, "I see. He's a celebrity. How could he possibly rape anyone?"

"The guy is an internationally-renowned flautist. I mean, he was honored by the King of Sweden. He's an ambassador for UN charities." Amanda lists off these things as she looks over his file, "he's got no record, impeccable reputation."

"Rollins, do you remember your first case here? It was the Italian diplomat." Olivia quickly reminds her. I wasn't here for that, but I knew about the case.

She sighs and says back, "he just... I think if he were guilty, he'd be more guarded. Just his whole affect doesn't exactly match the profile."

"He may not fit the profile, but that is his naked, Russian ass pounding on Alessandra's door at 2:30 in the morning." Mike holds out the ipad that's playing the security footage, "he stays 15 minutes, then he wanders back out again, out of breath, still naked as a jaybird. You wanna watch?"

"No, I'll take your word for it." I tell him, pushing it away and keeping my eyes on the window.

"He is completely out of it. I mean, he is walking the halls completely naked. I know she's a victim, but he may be too." Amanda throws out the idea.

"Okay, so we have to send him to the hospital to get swabbed, so we'll have them do blood and urine as well." I say to them all as Olivia goes to take a seat at her desk.

Mike jumps in, "I'll secure the room too. CSU can check it for drug residue."

"Okay." Olivia confirms everything being said.

Amanda says, "and prints, maybe off a glass that she gave him 'cause we need to figure out who this fan was that he hooked up with." She pulls out her phone and looks at it.

"Yeah." Mike nods, quickly moving to leave the room. Amanda closely behind him.

Olivia quickly calls to him, "and, Dodds..." He turns to see what he wants, "have your friend in security pull the footage from Anton's floor."

"On it, Lieutenant." He says then leaves right after Amanda is out.

"He seems eager." I say to her, wondering what her take on him is. She nods and bites her lower lip, "what is it?" I ask her, knowing she's thinking something.

She shakes her head out of her thoughts, "nothing, just wondering where this is gonna go."

Before I could open my mouth, Amanda comes in with her phone still in hand, "Anton wasn't lying about the flute. It just showed up in a Harlem pawn shop." She informs.

"Good. Pawn shops have cameras. Did they send any footage?" She's asked.

Amanda nods, "yeah. I'm opening the file now." I can't tell but it looks like her face faulters but she quickly adjusts.

"What do you got?" I ask her, more curious.

She replies, "it's buffering. I'll try it on my laptop" and she leaves the room again. I go back over to the window and continue to watch Sonny and Fin interrogate Anton.

Sonny is on Anton duty so I don't get to talk to him much. Olivia refuses to let me in and help interrogate him, so instead I stay in her office and watch. Mike and Finn come into Olivia's office with some information, "my buddy at the hotel said he recognized Anton's date. Working girl."

"Okay, so see if he has footage from the bar." Olivia directs.

"Rollins is doing facial recognition on the video from the pawn shop." Finn informs us.

I question, "is everything okay with her? She seemed a little off."

He replies, "she hadn't had lunch. I sent her to get a bite."

Mike asks, "what about the footage? Maybe Anton can I.D. this girl."

Finn quickly answers, "well, there's some kind of tech glitch. It shouldn't be long."

"All right, in the meantime, we know she's a hooker. If he comes clean on that, maybe it'll loosen him up." I say to everyone.

"How long will the DNA take?" Mike asks, not sure yet.

"Depends." Olivia says. She thinks on her feet and smirks when she adds on, "you know what? Tell him we already have it."

Mike smiles, moving to leave the room and jump in with Sonny. Fin also leaves the room, "you think he's ready for this?" I ask her, nervous to watch someone new interrogate.

She nods, "he'll be fine."

An hour or so later, Olivia is calling me into her office, "Dodd's went ahead and scheduled a meeting with the girl Anton met with. I need you to get the paperwork pushed fast so we can mic up the room."

"Got it." I tell her, leaving to get to work.

The tech team works quickly setting up a video feed and Sonny goes with Dodd's on the sting. I watch from the precinct screen with Finn as the pimp argues with Mike about why the girl he requested isn't there. They bring Slice, the working girls pimp. Sonny and Mike interrogate him while I work on more paperwork. "Anything from tech?" I ask Fin, hoping to be able to work on something different.

"Not yet." He calls to me before heading into Olivia's office.

"God, I can't wait to get back to work." I rub my growing stomach. It's starting to look like I'm farther along than I actually am. A few more minutes go by when Sonny follows Mike out of her office, "where you going?" I ask.

He quickly takes a detour to my desk, "letting Anton know we got his DNA. Love you." He quickly puts a kiss on my forehead and walks back towards the holding cells.

Olivia gives Sonny and I the night off together, keeping Mike, Fin and Amanda to deal with all the drama that went down with Amanda's sister, "Olivia is really pissed off. I don't know why Amanda would lie about that." I say as we walk the street to find somewhere to eat.

Sonny answers, "oh, come on. You lied to her about your past with Doyle. Can't you relate?" He pushes.

"I didn't lie" I correct him, "I just didn't tell anyone about my past."

He chuckles under his breath, "it's basically the same thing. Her sister, well I guess her family is all sorts of drama. Most are."

I eye him, "you got some family drama of your own you want to share?" I push for some details.

"No, no drama to share." He smiles,"why don't we eat here? Looks pretty good to me. Rating is an A." He makes sure, pointing to the sign in the window.

"American Italian" I look over the menu, "looks good to me babe" I say and we go inside to be seated.

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