44: A New World

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Sonny's P.O.V.

"Maddison!" I call out to her, worry coursing through me. Just as she noticed something wrong with Amanda, she falls down into the chair passing out, "Doctor!" I call, trying to get around the nurses rushing in to help Amanda to get to her.

"We'll take care of her too, come on, let's get her out of here. GET DOCTOR MAURY!" She yells out. Another nurse comes in to assist me in lifting a half passed out Maddison to the hallway where another nurse sits her in a wheel chair, "take them to bay 4." She directs the nurse wheeling the chair and off we go, "tell them she's—" I don't hear the rest of what she said as I turn to Olivia.

"Olivia?!" I say to my boss, and friend, freaking out about what's going on.

She calmly says, "go with her, I'll stay here and update you on Amanda. Everything's going to be okay."

"Okay!" I hurriedly spit back, moving to get next to Maddison again. A doctor and more nurses rush over to her and start to put wires, needles and drips all over her, "what's going on? Please?" I plead to all the people surrounding me.

They continue to call things out to one another, ignoring me. My heart pounds faster than it ever has before I grip her hand, motionless in mine. They start to lift her onto a gurney as I hear one nurse, maybe a doctor say they need to do an emergency C-section. I feel all the blood rush out of my face. Someone finally grabs a hold of my shoulder, "sir, we need to take her now! Let go."

"What?" I demand, literally not knowing ya other vocabulary at this moment.

"She's losing blood, the babies need to come out now so we can find where it's coming from and stop it." He informs me, my hand still gripping hers.

"But she's not due yet, she's only 30 weeks!" I argue back, wondering how this will affect our babies.

"The babies will have a chance still, but if we don't get them out, your wife won't." He states back blankly.

I nod my head, releasing her hand and watching as they wheel her bed away, "sir, are you the father?" A women comes over to me a few moments later.

"Yes" I choke out in a scratchy voice.

She nods and says, "if you'd like, you can scrub up and go in. Be there to cut the cord for your babies."

"Yea, yes." I stammer out as fast as possible, longing to be near Maddison, to make sure she's okay.

She begins to walk towards the way they just brought Maddison over to and I follow close behind. She hands me some scrubs to change into and shows me where to clean up at. I quickly rub my hands and arms raw and change into the blue clothes. I walk back to the nurse who scans a card and lets me through the doors. There's a screen in front of Maddison, maybe in case she wakes up and they've already started to open her stomach. Four to five people work on her, and others stand watching her vitals and calling things out. I try to listen but everything is mumbled together as I wait for my world to be put back together, "alright, baby one is ready. Let's get him out." I hear the doctor say. I watch with awe as my first born child is brought into the world, "it's your boy." The doctor says out loud and my heart grows double in size for him.

"Dad? Would you like to do the honors?" He asks, already moving back to Maddison to work. I walk to the nurse holding my crying son and nod. I slowly take the scissors they give me to cut the umbilical cord and seconds later he's turned away to get cleaned up.

I look over the nurses shoulders as they suction things out of his ears and nose and smile, eagerly anticipating the moment I can hold him. But everything changes again when someone says "the cords around the neck, I need the clamp!" My head jerks to turn, wishing I could see what they're seeing or do something to help.

"We need to stop the bleeding." Someone else says, "her vitals are dropping."

"One second, she's almost out!" The doctor responds. It's like everything is in slow motion as he pulls my little daughter out into the world. I wait for her little cry, like her brothers, but it doesn't come. Everything goes silent again, even with people talking to one another. I just wait for that piercing cry to pierce my ears. Minutes that feel like days go by before the weakest of coughs escapes into the air and she breathes for the first time.

"Her right lung collapsed, we need to take her in" the nurse holding her comments out. I don't know if it's too me, the doctor, or other nurses, but I need information.

"What? Where?" I shout to her.

"Go ahead, I need to stop her bleeding." The doctor says as continues to do whatever it is he is doing to Maddison to fix her.

Everything spins around me and I don't know what to do. Someone puts their arm onto my elbow and I look through the blurriness to see the nurse, "your babies are premature, but we will take care of them. Sit next to your wife, here. Hold her hand. She's in good hands." The nurse points to the chair pushed next to Maddison's bed for me to sit at. I somehow walk over there as she takes my son out of the room and wrap my hand around Maddison's. I bow my head onto the bed and pray to God to make everything alright.

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