Part two

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"Your bone marrow transplant is coming up.  Tomorrow Penelope, is going to go under anesthesia and we will harvest her bone marrow and replace your IV with the special bone marrow IV that is a larger tube so the marrow can go in faster." Selina said to Jasmine.  Jasmine was so afraid, but she was glad she was going to go through with it.  She didn't like the fact that Penelope was going through so much for her to have a chance at life.  Selina walked out and went into the room Penelope had to stay in.  "Are you ready for tomorrow Penelope?" Selina said.  Penelope nodded and began to laugh.  "I am not used to being on this end of nursing.  I never realized it was so full of anxiety and fear, but I'm helping Jasmine; even though it isn't in my job description."  she said laughingly.  Selina laughed along with her.  "You know how you said you are on the other side of nursing?  You are going to experience even more!  I have to start an IV and do some blood work for tomorrow." Selina said leaving the joke behind.  Penelope  suddenly looked fearful.  Selina began to joke. "You're not afraid of needles are you?" she teased.  Penelope looked serious.  Selina stopped teasing.  She said "I'm sorry, but most nurses aren't afraid of needles.  I'm sure you're not alone" she said with a wink.  Penleope caught on and laughed too.  Selina picked up the two needles she needed.  Penelope closed her eyes and tensed her body.  "Relax Penelope, I haven't even touched you yet!  Just like when you do it; a poke and a small burn.  1,2,3." Selina said to Penelope.  Penelope jumped when she felt the needle stick, but she trusted Selina.  This experience gave her a fresh perspective that could be helpful when treating fearful patients.  Selina got what she needed and she gave Penelope her space.

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