Chapter 1

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"Have you seen my phone Tee?" I ask and look around.

"Nope." She says and puts another grape into her mouth. She is sitting behind her white laptop and Emily is napping next to her on the couch. Her soft snoozes and Tee ticking away is the only sound to be heard in the mansion.

"I need to leave in like 30 seconds if I wanna be on time." I whine and my search for my phone continues.

"I need to pee." My beautiful fiancé says and gets up quickly. I frown at her and roll my eyes. How does that help me?

I look around and even look underneath Emily as I pick her up.

"Josh!" I hear and I wait for her to say something.

"Josh!" Tasha's voice is louder meaning she is closer. I look up at her laughing face.


"You. Won't. Believe." She starts but cant finish her sentence due to her laughter. She grabs her stomach and tries to stop laughing.

"Tee. Seriously?"

"Your phone!" She says and she pulls my hand along to the toilet.

"Look!" She says and I look down the toilet where my white iPhone 5s is floating around. I sigh and slap my forehead. This is a disaster.

"Emily!" I say and I fish the phone seeing my background slowly fade away which was Emily and Tasha sitting on a bench where people were walking around them but they were blurred out. I wash my hands quickly as I pull a face. "This aint funny. This is disgusting." I moan. "Plus I am late."

"Oh baby." Tasha kisses my lips and I groan against her lips.

"I think I'm gonna feel sick." Tasha says and quickly pushes me off her. I feel offended for a second.

"Did you eat something wrong?" I say as she vomits into the toilet my phone was in ten seconds ago. I pull a face and pull her hair back quickly. I feel sorry for Tee.

"No. I didn't,  maybe I just ate too much." Tasha stand up and washes her mouth. She groans and sits down on the edge of the bath.

"Maybe you're pregnant?"

She gets up and just walks out. I blink a few times and frown. I was talking to her why did she just walk out?

I press the home button on my phone hoping it will turn on but it doesn't. Fuck, I am late for my meeting. I pull my tie straight and quickly leave. I pick up my keys from the table on the table and kiss the sleeping annoying Emily. Tasha is sitting down next to her and I put hand on her chin kissing her lips, forcing her to open her mouth. I push my tongue in and kiss her. I remember my meeting and I pull back.

"I love you." I say and I leave quickly.

When I return home it's past midnight and I am dead tired. All I am thinking about is my bed and cuddling Tee. I walk around in the dark not wanting a crying Emily or a moody Tasha for waking them up if I turn the lights on. I put my keys down, avoid toys on the floor and I walk into my room. I get undressed and get into bed only to see Emily in our bed sleeping with Tasha. The bed was huge but I found it annoying because she was 3 years old but still slept in the same bed as her parents. She needed to grow out of this. I sigh and get in bed mumbling to myself.

"I can hear you, you jackass." Tasha says in a sleepy voice. I chuckle quietly.

"Good." I say and pinch her cheek.

"She had a nightmare and since I was lonely I told her she could sleep with me."

"You really need to stop that. She is going to be sleeping with you when she is 17."

Delicate Chocolate EyesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя