Chapter 26

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So Tasha and the kids were back home. School started again and everything was back to normal. Freya recovered again and my appreciation for the kids is higher then ever.

Noah is growing up so fast and I try seeing the kids as much as I can. It was so hard not having them around every day. Sometimes I feel like caving and calling Tasha but then I know me and her passed the stage and what we had was gone forever this time.

But then there is Nora. What would I do without her? She was my all at the moment. Spending time with her meant more to me then it sounds. I liked her heck I think I even loved her. We almost known each other a year but we have been dating a three months today. I could tell she wasn't getting the best responses from her family. I was 5 years older and had three kids but hey I was a millionaire and I was just getting started with my career.

While I was on my way back from work I got a phone call from Tasha.

"Hey." I say putting it on speaker.

"Hey. So Emily's dance teacher called me today."


"She said Emily has been send an audition for this music video."

"Dancing? Like ballet?"

"Yeah basically."

"Wow?" I say and park the car.

"I know right. But I think I will let you deal with this since you know how."

"So you think its a good idea?"

"Emily really wants this she is literally staring at me right now." I chuckle and scratch my head.

"If its appropriate yeah sure but I will look into this."

"Yes!" I hear from the background and I laugh putting my keys on the table.

"Shit Emily is really starting a career at 8." I say and Tasha chuckles.

"I will speak to you later Josh."

"Okay bye. Bye Emily."

"Bye daddy!" I get in the shower and get dressed into a buttoned up shirt and black jeans. I leave my hair on my forehead today. Why was I nervous? Oh yeah, me and Nora were going to this dinner party of my fathers.

They have met before but it was like a bump into eachother thing. All they know is Nora's name.

I park outside Nora's apartment but she walks out before I can even get out the car.

"You're looking fire." I whistle and she chuckles and gets in. I kiss her lips and do my seatbelt.

"I try I try." Nora smiles and I drive to my dads house. "So atleast its like a party thing." Nora sighs.

"Yeah never met parents before?"

"I have but like your dad is rich and is probably expecting a princess."

"And he is getting one." I say and I take Noras hand and kiss it gently. "Stop worrying." Nora blushes and I liked it when she got shy after a compliment. I put my hand on her thigh and she tenses. I look at her and she is blushing again.

"Three months ey?"

"Really? Wasn't really counting." Nora says.

"Oh please you told me last week."

"I'm just acting cool and you're ruining it Joshua."

"My bad." I laugh and park at the busy driveway. I get out and open Noras door taking her hand as she steps out. The people around have dissapeared in my head and all I can focus on is Nora in her black dress. I pull her closer as I grin kissing her lips. She chuckles and pushes me away.

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