Chapter 9

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When I wake up the next morning it is already 9 o'clock.

Tasha is not in bed and I can't hear any noise downstairs. Emily was probably still ill. Once in a while I would hear Freya's highpitched squeals. I take a shower, get dressed and walk down the stairs. Tasha is on the couch with Emily who is wrapped around in a blanket. Freya is crawling around. Tasha's face just tells me she is still pissed.

I walk over the Emily and look at her. She doesn't even smile at me.  I pick her up and kiss her cheeks.

"Hey baby. Are you still feeling ill?" She nods and I kiss her cheeks. "I love you." I say and she hugs me and just nods. "We need to bring her to the hospital maybe?"

"I already called the doctor, he is coming later."

"Oh, okay." I go to the kitchen and make myself some cereal. I eat and finish my food before I grab my stuff and my keys. I pick up Freya from the floor who is not happy about it.

"Bye baby" I say and I kiss Emily's forehead. Tasha gets up and opens the glass doors to the garden when I turn around. "Bye Tasha." I say and she pretends she can't hear me by sticking her head outside..

I look at her and roll my eyes. Two can play this fucking game. I leave and get into my car. Distracted with my thoughts I drive to work.

Tasha's POV

"Hello sunshine." Lily says while walking in and noticing my miserable mood.

"There is some serious illness going around. Emily is so sick." I say and we sit down.

"Oh poor baby. Thank God Marshall's at daycare." I laugh and sigh. If the two didn't end up together I would force them. They were adorable.

"So what's up." I sigh and tell her all of Beau's story. Then I tell her about Joshua being such a dick and me ignoring him.

"Maybe he's just protecting you."

"He is probably just thinking about himself and his stupid opinions."

Lily laughs. We have some lunch together and we spend the day since her husband is picking the kids up from daycare and taking them to his parents house. I never see much of him and I'm not sure if Lily even does.

"I got invited to this babyshower. You wanna come?"

"Who's is it?"

"It is Joshua's assistant."

"Why she inviting you?"

"I have no clue. I had dinner once with her and her future baby daddy. Was well awkward, she is like a perfect 10 but she is so inlove with her husband I trust her. Joshua says she scares him so I'm cool. She is a ginger with green bright eyes." Lily laughs and Emily opens her eyes and stares at us. She pouts and I can see her getting upset. She is laying on the big couch wrapped in a blanket and pillows.

"Come here." I say and strech my arms out. She gets up and walks over to me dragging her stuffed animal. I pull her on to my lap and put my arms around her while chatting to Lily. Emily's body was so small and cuddly.

When the clock hits 4 I hear keys in the hall. Lily looks at me and I roll my eyes.

"Oh hey. What's up Lily." Joshua says as he walks in the living room noticing I've got company. I clear my throat and don't bother sitting up.

"Did that doctor come?" Joshua asks after small talk with Lily. I shake my head.

Joshua walks into the kitchen and then he dissapears with Emily for the rest of the evening. I don't hear Freya and I know he is with her.

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