Chapter 22

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"Hey." I say and I nod at Kevin. It was the first time I spoke to Tasha in a few months apart from some text messages here and there about the kids.

"So I got this amazing job in France just for the summer." She says after I sit down and I raise an eyebrow.


"So I would like to take the kids with me. Kevin is coming with me and oh so is Eliza."

"The whole summer?"

"It could possibly run for a few extra months but I think it would be nice for the kids to even start school there?"

"I don't know." I say scratching my head. The kids gone for so long? Could I handle that? "Maybe now that Emily is 8 she should get a choice?"

"Yeah." Tasha nods.

"I'll think about it." Emily walks into the kitchen followed by Freya.

"Emily come here." I say and I take her hand to go talk to her in the kitchen. She didn't need pressure from those two.

"Mummy is going to go France this summer and she is taking all three of you."

"I like France. I even know a french word!"

"What is it?"


"You sound french already!" I laugh and Emily nods.

"So do you wanna go?"

"Yeah I do were going to have fun right dad?"

"Oh I'm not coming honey. But I will come visit and if you don't like it you can come back and live with me again."

"Okay." She nods and I sigh. I actually didn't want to do this. I felt sad already and the kids didn't even leave me.

When I return to the livingroom Freya is curled up in Tasha's lap.

"She wants to go yeah.." I say and Freya sits up.

"Go where?"

"France." Tasha says and Freya shrugs.

"Anyway I'm going to head off. Emily has her last appointment tomorrow for her arm." Tasha nods and I shake Kevins hand before leaving.


"I'm unsure about it." I tell Nora. She is making some pancakes while I cut some strawberries.

"So tell her?" She says opening a cupboard. "This kitchen is way too big." She tip toes to reach the chocolate chips but can't reach. I get it for her shaking my head.


"I'm not that short. I'm actually like an inch or two shorter than you." She says and I chuckle. I put pancakes on the plate and put cream, strawberries and chocolate on it.

"Are you trying to get me fat." She says and I give her the plate.

"Your so fussy."

"That is diabetes on a plate." She laughs and I give her a push.


A few weeks later, I am standing with Lily saying goodbye to the kids. I can't believe they're going.

"I love you." I tell Freya and Emily. I hug them both and smother them with kisses.

"Noah." I say and he walks over to me with his lollipop. I hug him and give him kisses as I pick him up. He giggles and screams and babbles thing.

"Bye bye."

"Bye-bye." He says and I chuckle.

"I love you."

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