Chapter 10

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Fuck me.

Joshua has uploaded a picture of him and Spencer sitting down eating pizza. He is staring directly at thr camera with that hslf snirk on his face. Jamie must've took the photo. Joshua's face makes butterflies in my stomach flatter around.

I look through the rest of his pictures with Lily.

Most of them were of me and the kids. He was hardly in any picture alone if it wasn't for Emily, Freya or me to be in it with me.

He has uploaded pictures of me which I didn't even know he took. The captions were hilarious.

"She eats like a pig, my pig though." Me eating some noodles with chopsticks.

"She rather wears converses than girly shoes." Emily pouting in her fairy costume for a school play. She is wearing converses with it since she hated the little pink flats that came with the dress.

"Freya's face is charming when she's hungry." Freya crying and pulling faces.

Me and Lily laugh and go through all the pictures.

"Calm down you're seeing him at dinner tonight." Lily assures me.

The kids were with Joshua and Spencer. They picked them up after school.

Joshua's POV

Me and Spencer picked up the kids from nursery. Emily was almost 4 years old and she was going to start school soon. I can't believe it. Time flies.

We go to the place where me and Tasha agreed over the phone yesterday to have dinner.

Emily can't sit still and soon Jamie joins us. Tasha and Lily come late bothers me since I haven't seen Tasha for two whole days. I have Freya next to me in a baby chair. She is eating some frenchfries while Emily is on Jamies lap.

Once I see Tasha's dark hair appear a sense of happiness pours through me. Fuck I missed seeing her. Now instead of waking up next to three pairs of delicate chocolate eyes of mine, I wake up to an empty white wall in Spencers house.

Spencer smiles at Lily but she just sits down. His effort going unnoticed.

"Hey hey." Lily cheerfully says and Tasha and her sit down at the booth were sitting in. Tasha wraps her arms around my neck immediately. I chuckle and kiss her lips.

"Hey babe." She says and I pull her onto my lap. I pay no attention to Spencer, Lily and Jamie staring at us but kiss kiss Tee again.

Emily gets out of Jamies grip and forces to sit on top of Tasha. She hugs Tasha and kisses her cheeks.

"Hey mommy!" She says and Tasha hugs her.

She smiles and hugs Emily putting some locks of her hair behind her ear. Spencer and Lily laugh at her.

"Shall we order?" Spencer says and I nod at him. For the rest of the evening, we talk and laugh. By the time it is time to say goodbye, I hug Tasha and the kids. Freya is fast asleep. I kiss Tasha and pushing my tongue through beyond her lips. It starts to rain and I can feel the dripping. I laugh and hear some thunder. Tasha jumps and I laugh again. I put my jacket over her head since she is so worried about her hair. I kiss her lips holding the jacket over her head.

"Come on you two!" Lily says and I laugh wrapping both my arms around Tasha's little frame. I put my chin on top of her head hugging her while Lily straps the kids in the car seat. I kiss Tashas head and we say our goodbyes before I leave with Spencer and Jamie.

When I am in bed, mine and Tasha's text go back and forth.

"I'm in bed."

"Thought you were probably getting drunk with Spencer."

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