Chapter 25

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When I arrive back home I am exhausted. The plane was delayed and I had to wait 3 hours. I turn the light on and put my bag on the floor and my keys on the table.

"So I did some research and stuck my nose where it doesn't belong."

"What the fuck Spencer!" I say dropping the bottle that was in my hand. "You scared the shit out of me. How did you get in?"

"You gave me spare keys you dumbass.",

"What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't wait to tell you this so I thought I would just wait and sit here."

"You fucking freak. Give me back my keys!"

"Such a wimp."

"Get to it. I wanna go to bed."

"How was Tasha and the kids."

"Fine." I remember what happened and I run my hands through my hair sighing.

"So I found out that Nora's mothered did not actually sign the papers."

"Fuck off." I say my mouth falling open.

"The hospital is to blame which means she is become a millionaire very soon."

"Shit I need to go tell Nora."

"Its past midnight." Spencer says and I pace up and down my living room. This was going to kill Nora. Why? How?

"I think you need to wait. You can't just tell her such a thing."

"I can't keep this from her. Oh I know. You tell her."

"What? I don't even know her."

"Exactly otherwise its gonna make things awkward. She will probably think I had a say in it?"

"You douche. She is already deepyly in love with you."

"True." I say and sit down. "This is fucked up though."


"Can you come over and spend the day? I really need the distraction." Nora says. I sit up and rub my eyes and look at the time on my phone before returning it to my ear again.

"Its 9 o'clock in the morning Nora."

"I am aware of that." She says and I chuckle. I remember what happened between me and Tasha and feel guilty instantly.

Good news then the bad. I get up and take a shower. I get dressed in black jeans and my Timberlands putting this jumper on before doing my hair quickly.

When I arrive at Nora there are no annoying siblings around and I am thankful.

"Hey pretty lady." I say kissing the side of her head.

"How was your little trip."

"Nice I guess." I say avoiding eye contact. "I brought donuts and coffee." Nora chuckles and walks off to the kitchen. I stare at her as she walks away. Was I really falling for this girl? Her curls bounce as she walks away in her floral shorts and matching tank top.

She sits back on her bed and its really hard not to just take my clothes off and slip into that bed with her. But until she knows about me and Tasha I can't tell her to do shit. That would be totally unfair.

"How were the kids?"

"Good." We need to stay off that topic for now thats all. "Shall we call Spencer." I already dialed.

"Spence give us the news." And so he does. Nora puts her hands on her face and its not the reaction I was hoping for.

"I'll call you later." I say sitting on the bed and looking at Nora. She was sobbing ones again and I feel like a total douchebag.

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