Chapter 21

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"So I'm just giving you a heads up."

"I don't think I can make it." I tell Spencer and rolls his eyes and stares at me.

"Why are you being such a drama queen?"

"I'm not coming to a party where my ex girlfriend who I cheated on is and my current wife who I called it quits with are coming."

"You can bring your friend Nora."

"Thats going to make things even worse!" I feel like punching this guy.

"Its my fucking birthday you dickhead." I roll my eyes and push my shades down. We were sitting in my back garden where the kids were playing.

"Emily push your sister on the swings!" I shout and then get back to this dumbass.

"I'm telling you now its really important for you to come."

"Are you dying?"

"Not that I know of?"

"Are you proposing to Lily?"

"Fuck that marriage crap." He says. "Obviously don't work out." I know his parents didn't work out and poor guy witnessing my marriage crash and burn and Lily's ex husband walking out.

"Is Lily pregnant?"

"Joshua stop guessing you will hear on Friday."

"Oh my God you got her pregnant?" Spencer just smiles and I gasp. "Oh my God! Congratulations!" I jump on top of him and get up. "No way!" I say and Spencer just laughs.

"I am so coming!" I hug Spencer. How proud I was of my brother.

"Fuck off I can't believe this Spencer finally a father!"

"Shhh keep it down."

"Okay sorry." I laugh and high five him.


Tasha's POV

"Stop the stressing Lil. I got this."

"I was helping plan out Spencer's party with Lily. He moved in last week so sudden. But then I realised why. The little bump on Lily gave it all away.

"I called them but they said the earliest they can bring the cake is like an hour before the actually party starts."

"Good enough." Lily shrugs and I sit down with my bottle of water. "I found the girls instagram." Lily says and stares at her phone.

"Hi homies." Beau says and walks in. She drops her bag on the floor and sits down next to me

"No shits." I say and look at Lily's phone. "I only saw the back of her head."

"Wish I was that tanned." Lily says and I sigh because I was thinking the same thing. She was a soft brown colour. Too light to be caramel coloured. Her hair was long and thick and curly. She had dimples like me.. I wonder whether Joshua pokes them like he used to do to me.

"How did you find her?"

"Joshua liked her picture." I go through her pictures and see the last one.

"Spoiled by my friend." Joshua is tagged and its a pair of heels and a watch. So thats the way to her fucking panties.

"Shopping." Joshua put a picture up of starbucks and I could see her curly long hair that was everywhere in the background.

"What a hoe." Beau says and I chuckle. "She was texting a married man so."

"Whatever." I say rolling my eyes. "Douche still has a hold on the divorce papers."

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