Chapter 15

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6 months pregnant.

I was tired most of the time and I was moody, sleepy or hungry sometimes even turned on.

Joshua was so sweet. He knew and got the hang now how I was in my pregnancies. I was excited because we found out it was a boy. Josh was so excited!

Buying boy stuff was just too adorable.

"Emily! I am too hungry and too tired. Go put Joshua's shoes back!"

It was impossible for these kids to take me serious. Lily laughs at how many shoes Joshua owns. Kevin is laughing at Emily who put the laces out.

"Gucci!" Emily screams and I roll my eyes.

"Emily." Joshua warns and Emily runs back upstairs with a pair of Joshua's Timberlands.

Freya runs to me and shows me her toys.

"So pretty!" I tell her and she smiles and sits down with the lego piece.

"Tee do you want a drink?" He asks and I nod at him. Carrying a boy was way more trouble than a girl.

Joshua's POV

Spencer comes through the door with Mckaila behind him.

"Hello everyone." He says and puts the bottle of water down picking up Freya and kissing her cheek.

"How you doing guys?" Mckaila says sitting down next to me. There was a tension between Mckaila and Joshua and it was rather awkward. Mckaila was being really annoying at times. She was a bit spoiled not going to lie. She wanted her way.

Joshua's POV

"So you and Freddie dating again?" Tasha asks Mckaila. I roll my eyes annoyed at this fucking topic. Spencer looks at Mckaila and rolls his eyes too. Lily nudges him and he looks at her mouthing 'what?'

"Yeah I am." Mckaila looks at me for a second giving me a look. I roll my eyes. I ignored her for ever since my birthday party and to be honest I was fine without her big mouth around.

Spencer gets up and opens the door for Sean and Beau.

"It was a coincidence!" Beau says walking through the living room with bags.

"We just came at the same time." Sean says and runs his hand through the mess on his head.

"Chinese!" Emily says jumping up and down. She sits down on the floor and Beau gives her her little take away box. She gives her a spoon since she cant eat with chopsticks. Freya sits next to me playing on my phone. I get a box too and we all sit around on the couches and floor. I feed Freya but she doesn't really eat since she just ate. I look at Tasha who is sitting Indian style with her round belly.

"I bumped into Bradley.." Mckaila says and I snap my head towards her.

"You're really pushing your luck here." I tell her and she throws me evils and continues talking to Tasha.

"He seemed like a totally different person. He is on some medication that makes him go all funny. You should've seen his face when he saw me. He literally begged me to ask you if you forgave him."

"He can so suck himself." Tasha says and eats her noodles.

"People change. You're all so negative." Mckaila says and puts her box of food down getting up.

"He send you flowers to dad's house." I look at Tasha and then Mckaila. Why was she being such a bitch? Why was she forcing Bradley back into our lives.

"What is it to you?" I ask her. I put my plate down and blink a few times. I felt like I was going to snap any moment now.

"Everyone deserves a second chance."

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