Chapter 20

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It has been a few weeks now and I am meant to go find a 'solution' of whats next with Tasha. To be honest, I'm still angry about it. I have had a lawyer handle the business I shared with Joey and got my share back.

Me and Tasha needed a break. Thats for sure. We were not meant to be? I guess but she hasn't left my mind ones ever since.

The kids spend time with me in the weekends and with Tasha through out the day. Everyone nagged me that I should talk to Tasha and atleast find commen ground.

Lily, Spencer and Sean are sitting around the table. We met up in this chinese restaurant. I don't know why they asked me to comr to be fair.

"So.." I say to break the awkward silence.

"We think that you and Tasha need to find a solution to this. You can't ignore eachother and pretend you don't have kids together. Atleast get to a point. Divorce.. Getting back together,  whatever crazyness your relationship usually needs." Sean says.

"I think we hit a wall." I tell Sean. "But I'm prepared to go talk to her and figure things out."

"Good." Lily says.

Tasha's POV

The whole situation made me realise a few things. You never know but when something good is going on it will all crumble down next to you.  I don't know how it got to this point. I am over it. (Not at all.) But the whole emotional stuff is behind me. Its been weeks and I survived. And I know he did too.

We were meant to meet up later to 'talk' but I was so nervous. Shit shit shit.

When Joshua came I opened the door and we walked inside in silence. I still stood by my original decision telling him we needed a break.

We sit down and I put stare at my jeans. I didn't know what to say and I knew he didn't either. Beau's voice telling me she saw Joshua and a girl together was painful at the same time as a kick in the stomach. I was so pissed at the same time I pretended like I didn't care. I couldn't believe we were over however I had to. I just wished he wouldn't have moved on before we even finished.

"It was a dick move keeping the kids away from me for three days." I say not looking at Joshua. I couldn't bare it. When I opened the door I felt like my heart was about to burst out.

"It was a dick move to kiss my friend." He says mumbling. I look up at him annoyed.

"I already told you. I didn't kiss him. He kissed me."

"And you kissed him back making you as bad as him." He bites and I look at the floor. "Did you like it?" He says and I shake my head.

"What kind of question is that?" 

"Answer it."

"I did okay? Because he was more comfort than you have been the last few months eventhough it was a lie." Joshua tugs his roots. He keeps quiet for a few minutes and I grow more impatient every second.

What was going to happen?

"I got a new house. I should move in if all goes well in a few days."


"Yeah." Joshua mumbles. "What are we going to do with the kids?"

"I think the usual agreement. You will see them in the weekend and bring them to school on Monday then on Friday you pick them up."

"How about Holidays."

"Same thing." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Are you seeing anyone?"

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