Chapter 14

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The next morning me and the kids went shopping with Joshua.

It was a pain in the ass just shopping with the kids since they wanted to run around and break stuff. Then there was Joshua who was just constantly nagging he was bored or touching me up in public. He was so eager to go meet up with Spencer.

"You're fucking annoying let go of me." I tell Joshua. I was not in the mood. Was I a joke? I sit Freya down in her stroller and sit down at the food court. I look at Emily who is about to run towards the other side. She senses I aint joking and sits down with a puppy face. I give Freya some frenchfries and drink from my milkshake.

"Moody Margaret." Joshua says and I look at him. He shrugs and scrolls down his phone typing shit. I give Freya the ipad and she gets distracted while eating. Emily is sitting quietly eating her food. She loved her food where Freya took the piss eating. Joshua is laughing at Emily who tries to stuff fries in her mouth.

The mall was quite busy today. When I heard my name I wasn't sure it was actually my name that had been said.

I look up to see Freddie. Mckaila's ex boyfriend. She dated him for like a few years I remember. He was a nice guy. Bit clingy. One problem, Bradley's nephew.

"Hey Freddie." I say.

"Long time no seen." He points out.

"Yeah true how have you been?" I ask him. "This is Joshua by the way. Josh this is Mckaila's ex and er.. Bradley's nephew."

"Nice to meet you." He nods at Joshua. "Good you know just moved back from Seattle been here and there. How is Mckaila?"

"Good." I say and smile at him.

"I guess you're not gonna ask how Bradley is." He says and chuckles. I run my hand through my hair awkwardly. Bradley and his actions wasn't something I wanted to talk about. Especially to his nephew and my little sister's ex.

"Why the fuck would she want to know how Bradley is?"

"Just joking. Sorry." He says and looks at me.

"Well people don't lie the kids are beautiful. I heard you got married yeah." He says and I chuckle. I know Joshua is annoyed due to his clenched jaw and staring at the guy.

"Anyway say hi to Mckaila for me and take care!"

Joshua's POV

I was beyond pissed.

I felt like dragging his 'nice' shit all over this table and dip his face in the mayonaise Emily was eating with her fries. He was checking Tasha out and she didn't notice. I was fucking here. I could see him. He kept his gaze on the ground after noticing the look I gave him. She can't even see he is staring at her legs.


I disliked him already because he was related to fucking Bradley.

He needed to dissapear out of my face because he looked like Bradley and all I wanted to do ever since that night is bash Bradley's face in.

When he finally leaves I felt like flipping the whole table over. Tasha takes one look at me and rolls her eyes.

"He aint Bradley don't know why you're so angry." I decide to ignore her comment. Fuck this.

"Whipe your face with the napkin Emily." Tasha says and I get a text from Spencer telling me we were meant to meet up half an hour ago.

"Shit. I'm out." I get up and Freya starts whining. She almost drops the iPad.

"I'll be back soon baby." I kiss her cheek and she stops and gets distracted by the ipad thats too big for her to hold.

"Bye!" Emily says and waves at me.

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