Chapter 29

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Tasha's POV

I wake up with Joshua wrapped around me. I don't know how to feel. Never did Joshua be that honest with me, telling me how he feels. I look at the time: 7AM. I needed to breathe and think things through. The kids were still sleeping.

I slowly get up and go downstairs randomly cleaning. It really helped me clear my thoughts and think things through. I put the trash out and sigh sitting on the doorstep. I put my hair up in a bun and look at my legs. I was wearing a tank top and shorts. I went pale again. The only reason I even smiled was because of my kids.

"Hey." I look up at Joshua and smile. My heart flutters and he scratches his beard.

"Hey." I say and I smile at him. Undeniable. He was the love of my life.

"Why you out here?" He says sitting down next to me. I lean my head on his shoulder and sigh. Something about the tone of his voice calmed me.

"Had to clear my head so I don't smoke so I started cleaning." Joshua chuckles softly.

"Did it work?"

I nod slowly. "Yeah, it did. I did a lot of cleaning recently. Why you out here?"

"You weren't in bed." Joshua says and I nod. Stupid question. I was feeling nervous around him for some reason.

"We both hurted each other and I forgave you and I am ready to move on." I say suddenly.

"I love you." He whispers and I bite my lip and he gets up. He takes both my hands and pulls me up. He puts his hands on my cheeks and kisses my lips.

"How about Nora?"

"We broke up."

"Good." Joshua's hand slips under my tank top over my back. "I need to get this off my chest.. I can't do without you and you know that." I put my hand on his mouth when he tries to talk. "No listen. I love you but we can't do this forever and hurt each other. I think this time is the last time I'm scared I won't be able to go through all this again. We have kids to think about and I think you hurt me really badly and I am sorry for what I did. It was wrong. We can not continue like this forever. I can't do this again."

"And its all behind us." Joshua says moving my hand from his mouth. I dig my face onto his chest and sigh. He wraps his arms around my neck and puts his chin on top of my head.

"Joshua Alfredo Millers you are going to be the dead of me." I mumble and Joshua chuckles softly.

I hear the door next door opening few meters away. I look up to see Spencer in his suit. His mouth is open for a bit but then he turns around and calls Lily. I look up to see whats going on.

"Lily look what I found out here. We totally won!" He says and Lily comes out confused. I don't know what to say so I look at Joshua who opens his mouth and then closes it.

"Oh my God guys. I knew it!" Josh let's go of me and scratches the back of his head. I stand up straight and put some of my hair behind my ear licking my lips confused.

Lily hugs the both of us and so does Spencer. I laugh and Joshua just rolls his eyes and tries pushing Spencers forehead away. They do their awkward handshake they made up ever since they were little. I was way too emotional and my thoughts were all over the place.

"Spencer you're late to court."

"Shit." Spencer takes his keys and runs it for his car waving at us. I laugh and Lily kisses my cheek and then Joshua's before she walks back inside tightening her robe.

Joshua takes my hand and pulls me inside the house where Emily is helping Noah put his shoes on.

"Daddy!" She says and gets up.

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