Chapter 17

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Joshua's POV

A few months have passed and now even Noah was starting to walk.


"Noah come to mummy." Tasha was standing on the other side of the living room on her knees as Noah stood in the middle standing. I was on the floor trying to record his first steps. He stood up without using the couch or anything else.

"Come on baby." Tasha held out her phone which he obviously liked and took a step towards.

"Here." She wiggled the phone around and he took another few steps before grabbing the phone and sitting back down.

"Oh my God." Tasha kisses his cheek and picks up. 

"Thats so my sperm. He so got that from me."

" I started walking when I was 1 year and a few months."

"I.. I don't even know. I am sure though I started walking as soon as I was popped out."

"You wanna ask David?" Tasha says taking her phone off Noah. He crawl away to the TV and sits there.

"Hey. So Noah just took his first steps and he walked like across the living room. Yeah, I know right. So me and Joshua were wondering who he got it from. Because Noah is not even a year old. When did Joshua start walking?"

"Put it on speaker." I tell her trying to grab the phone from her. She laughs and slaps my hand away putting it on speaker.

"Actually I can't really remember the exact time but I remember getting a phonecall from Rose telling me he started walking. She was so excited."

"Phone call?" I ask. What the fuck. Well.. This kinda sucks.

"I was on a business trip." He says and I get up. This fucking sucked yes. I get up and roll my eyes. I had enough of the scroll down memory lane.

"Thanks though, speak soon." Tasha says and gets up after me.

"What a douchebag."I say and Tasha sighs.

"Come on its not that bad."

"Can't believe he said that."

"Come on its in the past. What happened happened. He wasn't there then, he is here now."

Sometimes I do wonder how my life would've been if my mother was still here. She wouldn't let me do all the shit I have done and I might have been a better person. I shrug it off and I'm over it to be fair.

"Emily where are you hiding?"

"I'm not supposed to tell you?" She says and I look underneath the dinner table. She laughs and comes out.

"You tricked me! You heard where I was!" Emily says and I laugh. It was fascinating seeing her grow up. My eldest was 6 already. I hug her and she chuckles and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Let's go look for Freya now."

"Freya where you hiding?" Emily says and I laugh. Freya keeps quiet and I look at Tasha's legs. Freya is hiding behind her legs.

"Found you Emily screams and I put her down grabbing Freya.

"You're getting better at this too Frizzle." I say and kiss her cheeks. She laughs and tries getting out of my grip. I put her down and her and Emily play further.

I hug Tasha's behind and snuggle my face in her apple smelling hair. I liked hugging her and holding onto her like I was never gonna let go.

"You smell nice." I say smelling the chanel perfume.

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