31 | Blake Gray

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Y/n's P.O.V.

I walked through the meet and greet line, excited to meet my favorite person on the entire Earth, Blake. He has helped me overcome sadness, make new friends, basically everything.

I smiled to myself, knowing that it was my turn to meet Blake next. He opens his arms wide enough so I can jump in them, his warm embrace the only thing holding us together at this moment.

"Hi," Blake puts me down and hugs me again. "What's your name?"

"Y/n," I begin to cry.

"Awe, don't cry," Blake kisses my cheek for the pose.

"I know we don't have much time, but I just wanted to say that you mean the world to me. You keep me alive, you always manage to put a smile on my face, you were there for me when no one else was," I whispered in his ear.

"But you know what, y/n?" he asks, a smile appearing on his face shortly after he asks. I shrug my shoulders waiting for him to answer. "You're the reason why I'm on this tour, you're the reason why I get out of bed everyday, you're the reason why I'm always happy. I love you."

"I love you way more, Blake," I cry yet again. "Promise me one thing?"

"And what is that?" he smirks.

"Never forget me," I wipe the tear off of my face.

"I promise that I will never forget you, y/n," Blake pulled me into his chest. We hugged for one last second before it was time for me to go.

I just met my savior,

But he just met another fan.


A/n -
how i felt yesterday leaving mark :(

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