42 | {Requested Hunter Rowland}

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Angie's P.O.V.

I sat backstage of the London Magcon show, playing video games with Cameron, Shawn and my boyfriend, Hunter. After playing for about an hour, the game finally ended.

"Haha! I won!" I yelled, standing up to grab a bottle of water.

"Let's go boys! Showtime!" Bart called the guys out of the room.

"You're gonna do amazing, babe! I love you," I hug Hunter.

Hunter leans down and kisses my lips one last time before going on stage. "Thank you, Angie! I love you too," he returns to the group of boys and waves before I leave.

I stood in the roaring crowd, waiting for the boys to come onto stage. Then, the lights dimmed, and I could hear Taylor's voice echo in the building, making the crowd go absolutely wild. Finally, the boys came into view, fangirls and fanboys either yelling or crying.


"Hey, everybody!" Hunter smiles, making my heart melt. "How are you guys doing?"

Everybody in the room yelled out a response before he continued.

"Really quick, I want to bring someone special up here. Angie, can you come up here?" he looks directly at me.

Even though I was confused because this wasn't apart of any of the other Magcon shows, I climbed up onto stage. I stared at Hunter, his grin wider than usual.

"Everybody, this is Angie. She's plays a very important role in my life. She's been my amazing girlfriend for over a year and a half now," Hunter introduces me. I shyly wave to the hundreds of people in the crowd.  "I've been dying to tell you guys and I couldn't wait any longer!"

I stood there in embarrassment, blushing. Hunter kissed me passionately before I returned back to where I was standing for the rest of the show. I smiled uncontrollably until the show was over.

"You did amazing, Hunter!" I smiled, kissing his cheek and hugging him.

"Thank you so much, Angie!" he grinned. "What did the fans say about us dating?"

"They actually didn't mind, they loved it!" I laughed before seating myself on the couch.

"Good, I wouldn't have told them if you weren't a keeper..."


A/n - this is forDuhItz_Angie13!!! Hope you liked it! AND WE'RE ALREADY AT 74.6K! THIS IS AMAZING! THANK YOU GUYS😊

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