59 | Brandon Rowland {1}

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Y/n's P.O.V.

I was over at the Rowland household like any normal day, nothing strange. We were sitting on the couch watching IT with Ashton and Hunter when Brandon got a phone call. He quickly accepted the incoming call and ran to his bedroom, never letting anyone in the room know who it was.

An hour passed and the movie was over, but Brandon was still upstairs.

Hunter and I exchanged a look. "What could he be doing up there?" I asked. "He's been up there for over an hour." 

"Go check on him, something must be up," Hunter's eyes were reconnected on the flatscreen as Ashton picked the next movie.

And so I did. I quietly walked up the steps and stood outside of Brandon's room. As I was about to grab onto the handle, I could hear Brandon talking to someone.

"Babe, don't worry. I'm breaking up with her tonight. Now we don't have to keep secret anymore," he laughed.

"Are you sure you wont have any feelings for her after tonight?" the girl asked. It sounded like...Luna? My own best friend? It can't be.

"I never did. She was just a dare," Brandon laughed yet again. "I have to go before Mrs. Bossy comes up to check on me."

"Alright, I love you, Brandon," she said.

"I love you more," he said back. That broke my heart.

I stepped back from the doorway and sighed. He opened the door and immediately turned red. "Y/n? Babe, why are you up here?" he asked. I ran down the stairs and put my shoes on. "Where are you goi-?"

"I heard every word, Brandon!" I yelled, turning to face him. "I was just a dare? Wow, you're a piece of trash!"

"Y/n! Wai-!"

"I'm done, Brandon. I'm going to find someone who actually loves me," I said, tears running down my face. I just broke it off.

I stormed out of the house and ran all the way back to mine, stopping for nothing, not even for the screaming, crying Brandon chasing after me. I was done. I'm never going back.


A/n -
Part two is coming next, can't wait for you guys to read it :) should i start doing dirty imagines again?

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