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"You killed her." a little girl's voice suddenly spoke out of nowhere.

"No. I didn't." I wanted to say this but, Nothing came put of my mouth.

"You killed Betty." Another little girl's voice suddenly spoke.

"You killed her."

"she died because of you."

"We don't want to be your friend anymore."

"You let her die. You killed her." I heard lots and lots of voices until they all surrounded me.

They.. Cornered me.


I breathed heavily as beads of sweat fell from my forehead down to my nose.

There it is again.

The memory that still haunts me in my sleep.

The way those creepy little creatures look at me like I murdered somebody, those nasty words that came out of their mouths like I did the deadliest sin ever committed...

I was traumatized by that.

and also the reason why I'm always alone.

I didn't like company. People judge others right away without even hearing them out. They sicken me.

It was in kindergarten when our pet hamster Betty died when I was appointed to feed her. She was beginning to become weaker and weaker each day even before I fed her. She just happen to die when I was the one who fed her.

Ever since that day, my classmates began to stay away from me. They began to bully me. They would put my table at the very back of the classroom, put trash in my locker, and even write foul words about me in every wall inside the bathroom. I was hurt and I would cry myself to sleep that time.

Yup. That became my life until now that I'm in 11th grade. I was a weakling back then, but the more they bully me, the stronger I get to face them. I mean not exactly confronting them head on, I just learned to simply,

Ignore them.

I didn't care what they think or say about me as long as they don't interfere with my studies. Usually they would criticize my clothes, my face and my pale white skin but that didn't bothered me anymore. I mean, what would you expect from a girl who would rather wear a T-shirt rather than a tank top, a pair of denim pants rather than short shorts and a pair of black converse rather than a seven inch high heeled shoes?

Fake people dominates the school, I don't like them. They're just being friends with somebody for popularity and fame. Bullying other people who thinks they're more superior than them, how fucked up is that?

Well that's my life alright. The life of Camellia Frost, like the pretty flower that doesn't have a scent. In short, I only live to amuse people but not influence them to do good.


I think that's what my role is. I let them bully and say everything they want to say about me and here I am, accepting them with open arms not minding all the insults and harsh words they're throwing at me. I don't even fight back. I just don't want to involve myself on something as silly as that.

Well, I was only named after a flower because I was born in the 5th of December where our Camellia flowers bloomed at its finest. My parents say I was as White as a Camellia when I was small, well until now I guess. My long wavy black hair made my skin paler than it usually does. I usually tie it in a high ponytail. since mom does it everyday when I was small but when I stepped into the Middle School world, I didn't even bother combing it. I just let it flow. I only cut it once but never did it again. Now it reached my bum and I didn't bother with it. My bangs covered half of my face which protects me from the judgemental eyes of the students here in my school.

"Cam! Breakfast is ready! come down already or you'll be late in your opening ceremony!" I heard mom's voice as I went down with my usual look.

"I like your skirt." mom praised my knee length checkered skirt as I sat down and ate the pancakes she cooked for me. I'm glad mom and dad are still here to brighten my day. At least I still have people who thinks I'm amazing.

"Thanks mom." I said as I straightened my white collared shirt and buttoned it all the way to the top.

"You know you can't eat well if you button your shirt all the way up." Mom said as she unbuttoned the first button of my collared shirt. Well I guess I have to leave it that way.

"I'll be going then mom." I said as I waved at her goodbye.

This is my second to the last year in High School and I'm really looking forward to graduating right away.

After I graduate, I'll go to college, take fine arts and achieve my dream of becoming a painter. Not a famous one, but a charitable one.

I want to paint for charity works so I could help those people who needed it the most, especially to the bullied ones.

One day I'll make it stop and make their lives peaceful and happy. Unlike mine.

Well, I think I'll be heading towards the gymnasium for attendance purposes and not listen to the Student Council President's crap about his projects and other stuff that she would like to impose to our school. Yup, She's crap.

I was going upstairs towards our gymnasium when all of a sudden, I heard laughing and teasing from behind. I stepped aside trying not to be involved with them but I failed at that. They're annoying voices grew louder and louder as they came nearer and nearer until I heard some guy from behind me saying,

"Woahoho! Check her out!" I heard a guy suddenly spoke behind me. I didn't mind him and continued walking upstairs. It must be some other girl anyway.

"So there are still ladies who wear this huh? Check this out!" He said. I didn't mind him knowing he would only make fun of whoever it was.

After a minute or so, I felt a hand grabbing the bottom of my skirt and all of a sudden, I felt cool wind touch my thighs.

My skirt flew open revealing my black tracking shorts.

It was the first time in a long time where I felt pissed off by someone who tried to bully me. Without hesitation, I turned around and kicked the blonde guy who made fun of me as hard as I can. I saw him falling downstairs and landed on his bum. I could see my shoe mark on his forehead but wasn't funny enough to make me laugh. He pissed me off so bad!

"hmpf!" I said as I glared at him and continued going upstairs.

I heard a lot of "What's her deal?" "who does she think she is?" "kicking one of the school's hottie? She got guts!!" "I'll show her!" but, I didn't mind them. I just continued going upstairs until I arrived at the Gymnasium. I sat there and waited for the president to finish her speech.

When finally she finished, we were told to go back to our classrooms and I immediately exited the gymnasium. Off to my first period classroom then.

I hope you like it! :D

To all otakus out there, I think you know what anime this is. :D It's really my favorite so I decided to make it as a reference since I wanted it to have a different ending (but I LOVE the anime's ending by the way and the manga is amazing too) . I hope this doesn't bother you.


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