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Elyar Fox

I went back in school on a saturday morning after being told by the gym teacher that we need to clean the boy's locker room and toilet since it is our fault for keeping it dirty. Even the janitors can't handle them. Good thing I wasn't assigned to clean the toilets. That would be gross. I was in charge of the shower room, which is a bit easier tham the rest, and finished it in four hours. After taking a short break, I decided to stroll around the campus since it's a bit boring to just sit around waiting for the rest to finish.

I decided to go on the football field but I heard a group of ladies nearby. It sounded like they're up to something bad so I decided to step in and stop the ruckus. 

As I was about to go in between them, I saw Amy at first with some of my friends throwing mean words at some girl in front of them.. wait... Is that.. Camellia?

"How clever of you to tell that to your parents! haha! Can't handle us yourself? quit being a baby about it and just follow what I told you." Amy said . What is she talking about? Of course she should tell her parents that she's being bullied. Of all the girls, why Amy? 

"All I wanted is for you to stay away from Elyar. Is that hard to do?" She said. That didn't come out right? Who does she think she is? 

"You are in the way freak! So why don't you just walk away and pretend you didn't meet him. He is mine and novody can't take him away from me." She said once again. I have to do something about this. This is really getting out of hand.

"What's the meaning of this Amy?" I said as I approached them.

"E-Elyar?! H-how long have you been there?" She asked. I went to Camellia and helped her get up.

"Long enough to hear everything." I said as I noticed the bad aids and bruises she had. Did they..

"What the fuck Amy?! What did you do to her?!" I shouted angrily and I can see the guilt all over their faces.

"What is wrong with you? all of you! What did she even do to you?" I asked and suddenly Amy took a step forward.

"S-she's the one being mean to us! S-she tried t-to threaten us! S-she-" I cut her off by laughing.

"Is that the best you could do to ruin her? I know Camelia and she wouldn't do that." I said as I placed my jacket around Camellia.

"How would you know she wouldn't?" She said but I just stared at her. Seriousness written all over my face.

"I can't believe this! You choose to trust that brat you met a month ago rather than believing me being your friend for like three years?! What the fuck El!" She frantically shouted as her hands went up to different directions. I shook my head and planned to walk away from all the drama she's been putting me up.

"Fine! She's getting in my way!" She suddenly blurted out which made me stop walking. What's that suppose to mean?

"She's taking you away from me! She's trying to seduce you so that you'll look at her instead of me! Why can't you see that I've always been here in front of you? Why can't you see me as more than a friend? Why can't you like me like how I like you? Why can't you feel the same way as I do?" She said as tears started to fall from her eyes.

"because all I could give you is friendship. No more, no less." I said which only made her look at me in silence.

"and of all the girls in this school, why you? You should know what it feels to be bullied yet you still do it to other people. You even told her to stay away from me? That's low Amy!" I started to raise my voice but Camellia suddenly poked my arm to get my attention.

"Please don't shout. You're scaring her. She's your friend after all." She said as I turned my gaze to ashaking Amy in front of me.

"look Amy.. I don't want you to misunderstand things. I'm mad at you for doing this to Camellia who did nothing to you. and I just want you to know that-" She cuts him off by raising her hand in front of Elyar.

"I get it. Okay? I don't want to hear it. Just.. Don't." She said as she wiped away the tears that's been falling down her cheeks.

"But, Camellia.. I still hate you." She said as she went closer to Camellia.

*whisper whisper*

Camellia's eyes went big as they Amy and the rest of them walked away.

"What did she say to you?" I asked but she just shrugged and walked ahead of me.

"Hey! Wait for me." I said as we went to where her parents were talking with the principal.

"Who might this young lad be?" her mom, i think, says as Camellia approached them.

"He's Elyar mom, dad. uhhhm he's a friend.. Elyar meet mom and dad." Camellia said as they shook hands.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Frost." I said as her mom giggled.

"Call me Caroline." She said I nodded and walked with them towards the gates.

"See you on monday then." I said as she nodded and gave my jacket back to me.

"Thanks." She said and gave me another smile that really makes me want to run to her and hug her.

I went to where my car was parked and went straight home. 

I can't believe I'm saying this but.. I really wanted it to be monday again.

Earlier in Camellia's Mind:


"Take good care of him or you'll be dead" Amy whispered low enough for Elyar not to hear.

What's that supposed to mean? Elyar doesn't even like me! Did she know about the kiss? If she did, will she spread it? What if she'll misunderstand and think that we did that? I bet she'll start rumors that I'm pregnant, or I have cancer or something! What is she thinking? I mean, what am I thinking? Making all this up in my head! This really fraustrates the hell out of me. 

"What did she tell you?" Elyar asked but I just shrugged and walked away.

I just hope she won't do anything funny again.

I hope you all liked it! :) 

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