Chapter TWO

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Camellia Frost

"Hey Freak! Keep your foot to yourself. You really have the guts to pick a fight with The Elyar Fox huh? Are you crazy?" A girl covered with layers and layers of make up and hair spray cornered me in the bathroom with her underlings after the second period.

I didn't answer. I glared at them instead.

I wasn't at fault you bitches. I think to myself.

I tried to walk away from them but they keep on blocking my way pushing me back to where I was cornered. What a bunch of brats. Are they really that coward? Many to one? That's fucked up.

"Listen. You will have to apologize to him, if not, We'll have our fist do the talking then." She tried to scare me but I just gave them a blank stare and pushed myself out of the bathroom, and this time they let me through.

I just wish I could just magically graduate and move on with my life as an artist. I want to get out of this freakin' place.

This is hell!

I sigh, walking towards my third period classroom, which is Chemistry. I sat at the very back of the classroom where no one could ever see or notice me. I came ten minutes earlier and nobody was in there. I began scanning some notes and studying some terms. Well, incase the prof would give a pop quiz or something.

As I was scanning and reviewing, I heard a group of people's laugh and chit chat approaching. I didn't bother look their way when they reached the room. I heard gasps and murmurs when they finally saw who was in the room. Maybe they thought of me as a ghost.

Well not my problem anymore.

"She's the girl right?" I heard someone's whisper to another. I didn't give them any sign that I heard them. I just continued reading and reading.

"Yeah. She's the girl. Good thing he's not with us." Someone whispered back at whoever whispered first. Still, I was reading and concentrating. I don't want to fail this subject and repeat this grade all over again you know. I need to graduate right away to escape this hell.

"Hey." Some blondie, with the most natural make up I've seen so far, said as she sat on the table beside me. I completely ignored her still concentrating on my lessons.

"Hey! I'm talking to you." She said but still, I choose to ignore her. I don't want to involve myself with her or any of her friends so I better stay quiet and read.

"Don't ignore me you bitch." She said as she pulled my hair for me to face her. I cringed a bit but managed to keep my face blank. I really don't want to involve myself with her or anybody.

"What you did to Elyar a while ago was unforgivable." She said as she let go of my hair. I fixed it and picked my chemistry book that fell on the floor. I continued reading my book completely ignoring her.

"Don't you ignore me again!" She shouted as she grabbed me by the collar. Her friends came closer to us and forced her to let go of me.

"That's enough Amy. She's not worth it." So her name was Amy huh?

"I guess you can say that. But remember this, I will never forgive you for doing that to Elyar. Freak." She said and went in front to sit with her friends. Chit chatting and gossiping once again.

What did I do to deserve this? All I want is a peaceful life and there they come, destroying it.

I'm supposed to be a nobody right? Then why do they keep on cornering me, threatening me and even hurting me physically when It's not even my fault in the first place.

Popularity. PSH! They sicken me.

"Okay class settle down. I have good news and bad news for you. Bad news is we will have a pop quiz today. I hope you've read your books in advance." Just as I thought.

"Good news is I will be your homeroom teacher for this year." He said. What's good in there. Geez.

"Sorry I'm late!" Some guy suddenly popped out of nowhere at the door apologizing to the prof for being late.

I didn't bother looking up to see who it was. My goal in here is to pass this subject, not to see who's late and who's not.

"Well, pick a seat so we could start." The professor said.

I was still reading the book and analyzing some problems written after each chapters when all of a sudden, someone took a seat beside me.

"Hey. It's you." He whispered. I pretended that I didn't hear him and focused my attention to the book I was currently holding. He is not going to take my attention.

"Hey. I'm talking to you." He said again but still, I ignored him.

He began to stay silent and I was thankful for that, when all of a sudden, his head popped in front of me.

How the hell did he get down there without me noticing?

"eek!" I sounded as I slammed my book on his forehead. The back of his head bumped into the table causing a big thump that caught everyone's attention including the professor's.

"Would you keep that down Mr. Fox and stop playing around." He said but this guy beside me just rubbed the back of his head and smiled at him.

"That's twice a day. You really are something are you. I hope I got your attention already." He said as he leaned closer to me.

"What do you want?" I said in a low voice.

"So you do speak after all." He said. Is he making fun of me?

"Well, I just wanted to apologize on behalf of my friend." He said. Why is he apologizing? and why is he trying to use his friend to cover for him? He's a douche. A real freakin Douchebag!

"Oh and by the way, you see that guy talking to that brunette over there? That's alvin, my bestfriend. He was the one who opened your uhhhm skirt. not me. But, It's-" I cut him off by glaring at him.

"I don't care who it was. Don't cross my path ever again and I'll stay as far away from you like you all want me to." I said as I scooted closer to the wall and far from him. I can feel his gaze on me but I didn't try to look at him. I hid my eyes behind my bangs and concentrated on the lesson rather than on the people around me.

Don't be discouraged by them. Don't get too close to them, They'll just hurt you, beat you and treat you like trash. You can only trust yourself and your family. Friends? They're useless. They only want popularity and fame. You can't have friends if your not with the popular kids. They just want to be known as well. They wanted to have the same attention as the popular kids have. They'll just use you for their own benefit. They will fool you and say bad things about you behind your back. I hate people talking trash about other people behind their backs and talk to them like their the closest friends ever. They're more than trash. They're trashier than trash. They're scums! UGH!


and by that, lunch came and now I can breath well. I took my bag and hurriedly went outside. I went towards the stairs and finally.. THE ROOFTOP!

Breath in... Breath out..

I hope you all liked this chapter as well! Thanks for reading!

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