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"I think you've totally misunderstood me." She started.

"I think I'm the one being misunderstood here." I said without looking her straight into her eyes. I'm not that  great in confronting people.

"then tell me. What did I misunderstand?" She asked. I was hesitant at first but I need to clear everything to her.

"E-Elyar is my boyfriend and I will not let him go no matter what happens unless he said so." I said. She stared at me for a while before I could start talking again.

"and I think you're a little bit too late to realize that you love him and I won't let you take him away from-" She cuts me off by laughing like I said the most humorous joke ever.

"What's so funny?" I said feeling the heat starting to form all over my cheeks.

"That's why I told you that you've totally misunderstood me." She said.

"Then tell me why are you all over my boyfriend?" This time I looked at her with eyes filled with anger.

"Chill. I'm not in love with your boyfriend. That's why I rejected him in the first place right?" She said. I began to feel guilty for being mad at her for nothing.

"I'm just here to ask for forgiveness. He hates me and I don't like that." She said. I didn't get what she mean, which she noticed, so she explained further.

"you know that I rejected him when we were in middle school right? Well, that's not all." She paused for a while and continued after.

"I lead him on." She said.


"I like you Hyacinth! I have said that to you for the billionth time, why can't you give me an answer?!" Elyar was becoming impatient the moment we were alone in his house.

"I-I told you. I'll have to think about it." I answered.

"I confessed to you like a year ago. You told me to wait but I can't do it anymore. Seeing you hanging out with all those highschool guys. It freakin hurts Hyacinth! It hurts!" Elyar started shouting.

"Fine! I'm sorry! I don't feel the same way!" I shouted back at him. He looked devastated and pain was all over his face. I can't believe I actually did this to him.

"Y-you let me wait for one whole year.. you freaking hurt me for one whole year and this is what you'll say? You made me think that I have a chance in you. You made me think that I have a special space somewhere in your heart and this is all I get? Rejection? Why can't you say it when.. I don't know.. maybe a year ago? After I told you I liked you? Maybe then I could've understood you but, to make me wait for nothing this is all I get? Rejection?!" He started rambling words not minding what comes out of his mouth.

"I'm sorry El. I just.. I don't want you to distance yourself from me knowing that I don't feel the same for you. You're like a brother to me and that's the only love I can give you. I'm really really sorry El." I said as tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Those tears won't fool me again. You selfish bitch." He said as he took my bag from the couch and threw it on me.

"get the hell out of my sight.. out of my house.. and out of my life because no matter what you do.. I'll never, ever going to forgive you." He said as I looked at him in the eye before I go.


"I-I'm sorry for misunderstanding but... you were really a bitch." I said. I covered my mouth the moment I realized what I've said. I'm not like this at all! What's happening to me?!

"I know! and I don't want to hear that from you. It's really hard to reject him after being friends with him for so many years. I know I should've told him earlier but it also means that.. He'll stay away from me and I'll just be the girl she met during middle school." She said.

"I disagree on that." I said which made her laugh a bit.

"How so?" She asked.

"well, I think he'll stay away-" She cuts me off by saying,


"let me finish. He'll stay away for a while BUT when he's ready to face you without any trace of love, other than friendship, hate or pain, there's a chance that the both of you might've still been friends." I told her. She looked me in the eye and smiled.

"I wish I thought of that in the past. I should've had congratulated him when he graduated middle school. I should've greeted and surprised him during his birthdays. I should've hang out with him more afterawards. I should've-" I cut her off by hugging her.

"I suggest you talk to him. only the two of you after class." I said. She nodded and wiped away the tears that escaped from her eyes.

"Will you help me?" She asked.  I smiled and nodded at her.

"But first, let me eat my lunch. I'm starving and i still have 10 minutes to eat." I said as she composed herself and smiled at me.

"Thanks Camellia." She said.

She's not bad after all! :D hope you all liked it! :D

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