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Camellia Frost

"I-I'm really scared.." I told them as they dragged me towards the room I've been borrowing for a long time but currently.. being used as the Art Club's meeting room. 

I didn't expect someone younger than us could form a club, who happens to be Elyar's little sister, and here I am being dragged by these two weirdos in front of me. What if they won't like my art? What if they criticize my work? What if they'll just throw away this painting I made last night? What if..

"Just present your work already!" Lianna pushed me to enter the room. Me, being the usual clumsy Camellia, landed flat on my face when I stepped on my own foot. That's gotta leave a mark.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" Some feminine voice suddenly came to me and helped me get up. This is so embarassing!

"Yeah.. I-I'm fine." I said as I patted my skirt and picked the drawing board I dropped. The girl somehow noticed the thing I was carrying and took it away from me right away.

"So you're the famous Camella Frost we've been hearing from Evelyn since last week huh? And you're joining right?" She asked. I nodded in response as she went to the girl who's busy painting. She's really artistic, I must say.

The girl who helped me whispered something to the so called, Evelyn. She jumped a bit and turned towards me as she ran towards me.

"you are accepted! Welcome!" She said as the others clapped their hands.

"But you haven't seen her.. WHOA! You are totally in! This is incredible! I've never seen such.. detailed painting! well except yours eve.. But this is amazing. We really need someone like you. By the way, my name's Krista.. Krista Travis." Krista Travis said. She shook my hand as Evelyn led me towards the other students who are busy working on something. 

Well, from my point of view, they're really good but, somehow they lack creativity. It's like a lifeless painting. I was staring at their work so vividly that I didn't notice Evelyn talking about some rules and regulations about the club.

"Hey! Are you listening?" Evelyn snapped a finger in front of me as I turned towards her and paid attention to her. 

After telling me everything, about the club, rules and regulations, time of meetings and other activities, I went to the three students whom I've been observing since I got here.

"I-If you don't mind.. Could I s-say something?" I asked them nicely so they won't misunderstand them.

"Sure. We'd like someone to judge it for us." The guy at the end said. I smiled and told them the things they were lacking and the things they're good at. I think they didn't take it the wrong way because they happily thank me for giving my opinion about their work. I went to a free seat and started working on today's club activity, which is to paint a basket of fruits that is placed in front.


"Okay! Good work everyone! That's it for today and I'll see you again tomorrow for another-" She was cut by three knocks at the door. The guy, whom I guessed... Gabby, stood up and opened the door and revealed an ever blooming Candice knightly, the Student Council President.

"Hi! I know it's a bit late but I really need your help!" She said as she handed a piece of paper to our president, which is Evelyn.

"Really?! OF COURSE! We'd love to!" She said as they all grabbed the paper and read it. I was the only one who didn't quite understand the situation so, I stayed quiet and waited for them to pass the paper to me.. which didn't happen.

"Thanks a lot! School Festival is a week from now so I hope you could finish it on time. Thanks!" The student council president said as she exited the room.

"What was that about?" I asked as they handed me the paper that they were holding.

"We are going to clean this room in no time!" evelyn said. My eyes widened the moment I read what's on the piece of paper.

"W-we're going to have a mini painting gallery?" I said. I felt my hands shake. I was nervous. I don't know what to do? I don't know what to paint? I JUST GOT HERE FOR PETE'S SAKE!

"Relax! We're all in this together okay? All we need is to paint at least three paintings each because we lack members and we need a lot of paintings to have a mini gallery for the school festival. We'll meet again tomorrow and decide the concept and everything okay? All of us should go home, relax and think of what concepts we should have. okay? Dismissed!" Evelyn said. I was about to leave when she grabbed my hand.

"I really like the painting you handed today but.." What? There's a but?

"You need to have a title for it. Think of a title for this and I'll make sure to include this in our mini gallery." She said as she handed the painting back to me. 

"sure." I said as she exited the room leaving me all alone.

"knock knock" Someone came knocking at the door when I was about to leave. From his tone of voice, I could really tell that it was Elyar. I don't know how he does it, but hearing his voice gives me a calming feeling, It relaxes me and makes my nervousness go away, well except when he's entering my intimate space.

"Oh. you're sister just went out." I said as he went inside and giggled a bit.

"I came here for you dummy." He said as he patted my head like a pup. I didn't mind though, I even like it when he does that.

"why?" I asked him. He pointed at my painting, which I didn't understand.

"I'm going to help you with the title. If it's okay with you?" He asked. 

"Of course! Here." I gave him my painting. He studied for a bit and recommended some titles to it.

"How about.. Love under the Moonlight?" He suggested. Well, my painting has a couple sitting side by side under the moonlight so I guess this should work.

"That's great. Thanks. I hope she'll agree with this." I said as he lead me outside.

"Hey! Wanna join us for dinner? We're having pizza!" Evelyn shouted the moment I stepped on the parking lot where Elyar's car is the only car left.

"uhhhm.. Mom won't allow me to stay outside during the night." I told her as Elyar went to the driver's seat.

"awwww! Too bad. How about we drop you to your house?" She offered which I declined. I really don't want to trouble them, though I wanted to go inside.

"Really! It's fine. Hop in." Elyar insisted. Since it's a bit late already, I gave in and went to the back seat. Elyar drove me home, thanked him like a billion times and headed straight to my room.

I took all of my clothes and was about to change into my PJ's when I took a glimpse at the full body mirror on the side and observed every part of my body.

Would Elyar like me despite this? I mean, I have an awful figure and I don't think my butt is big and..

"Dinner's ready!" mom suddenly shouted as I hurriedly put some clothes on and went downstairs to meet with them.

what am I thinking? Elyar liking me? PFT! 


I hope you all liked it!!!

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