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Elyar Fox

"So, what's your plan?" Evy said without even looking at me. 

"Plan on what?" I asked her as I took a glass of water and sat beside her.

"Your plan on confessing to Camellia." She said. I faced her and spat everything on her. Good thing it was only water. 

"EW! Elyar! What's wrong with you?!" Evy said as she tries to wipe the water all oer her face using her hands.

"Sorry. I was just...erm... shocked." I said. I hurriedly went to the bathroom and took a towel and I handed it to her then.. I realized, she's right. I should come up with a plan on how to tell Camellia my true feelings for her.

Evy kept talking and talking without knowing that I'm not even listening to her. 

"I know exactly who to ask for help!" I said as I ran towards my room, took my phone and dialled her number as I went to the car and drove towards her house

"Hello Lianna? Can I ask you something? I'm on my way to your house now." I said. I ended the call after she agreed to talk to me. Since Camellia and I are now friends, I must consider her as my friend as well. She's not what other girls say she is. She's really friendly and fun to be with.

"So what's up?" She asked after running towards me from her house.

"I need you to help me on something. I like Camellia." I said but she just smiled at me. the "well duh?" kind of smile..

"I know. You kissed her on your birthday. It's obvious that you like her. and now.. you want me to help you on how to tell her right?"She said striking a creepy grin on me. Even though she's pretty, she could be scary sometimes.

"yes. I really need your help." I said. She leaned over to my ear and whispered her brilliant plan.

"You think I could do it?" I asked her but she just nodded proudly at me while placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I'll be around somewhere so don't worry. I'll make sure no one will be around." She said as I gave her a relieved smile. 

"Thank you so much. Well then, see you tomorrow." I said as I waved at her. I got in to my car and breathed heavily.

"You can do this Elyar!" I told myself.

Monday, 5:00 pm

"Hey! pssssst!" I heard a whispering voice somewhere but I couldn't see who was it.

"Here! Come here! I have to tell you something!" Someone from the corner of the bush said as I hurriedly ran towards it only to find Lianna hiding behind it. She's really clever. I never would've seen her if she didn't call for me.

"Here. Give this to her. Since her name is Camellia, I bought red Camellias. Here!" She said as she forcefully gave me the bouquet.

"Let's practice. Imagine me as Camellia. What would you say?" She asked as I cleared my throat and started imagining that she is the girl that I liked, that she is Camellia.

"I don't know where to start but.. here goes nothing. I like you C-" I was about to say her name when I heard sticks broke. Both me and Lianna turned to where the sound came from and to our surprise, it was Camellia.


What's going to happen? Will she misunderstand? Find out what happened next on the next chapter! :D

Sorry for the short update.

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