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Hyacinth's POV

"So.. what do you want to talk about?" Elyar asked me. I think he knew what I'm here for since he became cold when Lianna and Camellia were nowhere near us.

"First of all.." I took a step back and kneeled in front of him. I know this sounds cheap but, I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want him to hate me forever.

"If you think kneeling in front of me like an idiot would make me-" I didn't let him finish when I started speaking.

"Second, I want to apologize, from the bottom of my heart. I'm really sorry for doing such horrible thing to you. I know that I did the unforgivable but.." I stopped for a moment but managed to continue.

"I don't want you to distance yourself to me just because I can't like you the way you liked me back then. I want us to be the same as always and I know it's selfish but I don't want to break our friendship." I said.

"That's what I thought in the past. Now, I realized that I should've been more honest to you. I should've told you everything-" He cuts me off this time by saying,

"But you didn't and-" I signalled him to stop talking first.

"Right now in front of you is a girl that wants to be friends with you again. Just like the old times. I'm truly very sorry for doing that to you." I said.

"No matter what you do.. I will never forgive you." He said and that struck me. There's no chance that we'll ever be the same as before ever again.

as I was about to stand up and give up, I saw an empty can of cold coffee flew from behind me and hit Elyar's head. I want to laugh but, I think It's not appropriate in this kind of situation.

"Hey! Let me speak first!" I heard Camellia's voice coming from behind. I never imagined her to come out like that. I thought she's the innocent, quiet and reserved type. I didn't think she'd go outburst like this for me.

"This girl is freaking kneeling in front of you for forgiveness yet you still won't forgive her? I thought you're better than that El?" She said. Wait! She's going way too far this time! Their relationship might be at risk because of me! Now my faults are being piled up!

"You don't know anything about what she put me through. It's my decision whether to forgive her or not." Elyar said to her. This is really getting out of hand!

"and to think you would be the one telling me that I kept on building up walls, ignoring people who wants to knock them down for me while you were building one yourself. She's trying her best to knock them down for you but why won't you let her? Yes she made a mistake but she regretted it. She even entered this school so that she could formally apologize to you. she-" Elyar cut her off and began raising his voice.

"Did you know how much it hurt when she rejected me after a year? How much I suffered seeing her with high school guys flirting with her in the past? How much pain she caused me after telling me I'm just a brother to her? no! because you weren't there! You don't even know what it's like to be lead on since you isolate yourself from everybody your whole life!" He shouted and this has to stop. He has gone too far as well.

"Elyar! Enough!" Lianna shouted.

"I-I'm-" Camellia raised her hand to make him stop.

"I may not know the feeling of being lead on, but I know how it felt to give chances and I felt happier than before. It was when I gave you and Lianna a chance to be in my life. I didn't like the both of you at first but look.. Lianna ended up being my bestfriend and I'm happy for it. You became my boyfriend and I'm really happy for it. Everybody deserves a second chance El. You just need to forgive and move on." Camellia said as big drops of tears suddenly fell from her eyes as she helped me stand up.

"I'm going then." she said. Lianna was about to chase her but I didn't let her. She needs to be alone for a while and try to compose herself.

"I didn't know she was going to do that. I'm sorry for causing trouble to the both of you." I said. I was about to leave when all of a sudden, a hand stopped me from walking.

"wait." I heard Elyar said.

"What Camellia said was true. I was looking at the wrong direction the whole time." He said. I looked at him not getting his point.

"I guess Camellia hit the bull's eye."  He said as a smile started to form on my lips.

"I'm giving you my final chance then." He said again and this time, happy tears suddenly fell down on my cheeks.

"Friends?" He asked. I was too happy to even speak and I just nodded. We hugged each other as Lianna clapped her hands for us. I've never felt this kind of feeling in my chest before. It's like a thorn was taken from my heart and I could breath well again. It feels amazing to be forgiven from your long time mistake.

"But now I need to chase my princess because I said too much. Seeing her cry hurts a lot." Elyar said as he ran towards the direction where Camellia went.

"Why didn't you stop him?" Lianna asked.

"He's the only person who could cheer her up. Let's just follow them and see what happens then." I said as I went outside and walked at the same direction they took.

"Welcome to the group Hyacinth." Lianna said as she gave me a powerful back hug as we walked to where the couple went. I hope they won't separate because of me. tsk!

Their first fight! I hope they'll compromise sooner or later! :D

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