Chapter SIX

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Elyar Fox

"Hey! You wanna hang out at the beach house this weekend? all of us are gonna be there partying! It's gonna be-" Amy said as she approached me and my sister on a friday afternoon. I have plans for the weekend so I turned her down.. for the first time.

"Sorry. I have plans with a friend in on the weekend." I said as I was about to close the door but she didn't let me. What's with her lately? 

"and who's this friend you're supposed to meet this weekend?" She said. 

"Just a childhood friend." I said and slammed the door before she could even block it again.

"Is she your girlfriend or something?" Evy asked when I started driving us home.

"Nope. She's just one of my closest friend." I said. She gave me a "WTF" Face and laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked again. Sometimes, I really can't understand my sister. She laughs at the most random times whenever we're together, she whould constantly get pissed for no reason and would ask me to buy her food at the wrong hour of the day. Are other girls like that too?

"She's mental." Look who's talking.

"I mean, Why does she have to know where you're going and who are you with? I don't ask you that. PFT! She's not your girlfriend after all." She said. Well, I'm kind of used to her being like that. She may be a brat sometimes but she can be very charming and a good friend.

"She's just being her usual self. The overprotective sister of the group." I defended her. People usually misunderstands her kindness to flirting. I mean, we have been friends for like five years and I know her well. She's only protecting the people she cares the most, which is her friends.

It was during the 7th Grade when it happened...

"And what are you supposed to be? the fashion police? Do you even know what the word "FASHION" Is? huh! you're pathetic." I heard a senior bullying someone from the other room. I waited for the seniors to come out and sneaked inside only to see some girl wearing a neon green dress, a pair of white sneakers, polka-dotted Knee high socks, a pair of over-sized earrings and a green scrunchy on her high ponytail. She was crying. I didn't know what to do at that time. I came to her and placed my jacket around her. It was to cover her back since her dress was designed to expose her back.

"What do you think you're doing? Pitying on me? Well, if that's the case I-" I cut her off by smiling at her.

"Nope. I just don't like seeing girls cry."  I said as she took the jacket off of her and gave it back to me.

"I think you need it more than I do." I said as Iplaced it back on her.

"I'm Elyar Fox by the way. What's your name?"  I asked her.

"Amy. Amy Jane Porter." She said as she wiped away her tears.

"Nice to meet you Amy. I hope we can be friends from now on." I said as I held out my hand for her to shake. Gladly, she smiled and shook my hand. We became friends since then and introduced her to my other friends and that's when we became the closest friends.

"Wanna eat Pizza? Or burger?" I asked Evy as I parked the car in the Garage.

"Pizzaaaaaaaaaa!!" She shouted as she ran going inside our house. She really have some issues.

"El! Someone left a message! Could you get it?" Evy shouted.

"Sure!" I shouted back as I went for the phone and pressed the message button.

"You have two messages *TOOOOOOOOOT*

Hi kids! Sorry for calling in the middle of the day. I know you're both at school but I just want to tell you that we won't be able to go home for a month or two because of work. I hope you both understand our situation. Anyway, I'll be sending enough money and some gifts I got for the both of you tomorrow. Hope you'll like it. Study well and I love you both. Take care! *TOOOOOOOOOOT*

So they won't be going home for atleast two months huh? What do we expect


HELLOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! This is Lianna and It was really really hard to find your number! Anyway.. about the thing we planned for the weekend... SHE SAID YESSSSS!!! meet us at the park near the school tomorrow at 10 am sharp. Don't be late!! *TOOOOOOOOOOOOT*

So she decided to come along eh? That's brilliant! All I have to do is show to her that being alone is not a good idea.

"So you do have plans this weekend. Then I'll be home alone tomorrow then." She said as she went to the kitchen and called for the pizza delivery.

"Yes. One family size Hawaiian Pizza with two extra large fries please." She said as my eyes grew bigger when I heard her. How much will that cost?!

"You got the address? Okay thanks!" She said as she turn the phone off.

"What was that for? You do realize I have an important thing to do tomorrow right?" I said but she just smiled at me.

"That's for leaving me alone tomorrow. Don't worry. I'll finish them all if you can't." She said as she went to the couch and turned the Telly on completely ignoring the fact that it will cost A LOT!

I let out a heavy sigh as I went to my room and took the right amount of money to pay for the pizza.


WHEEEEEEEEEE! I hope you liked it! :D

uhhhhhm.. I'll put this fanfic on hold for a while.. I'll be away from home for a couple of days.. meaning.. NO INTERNEEEEET.. :( I'll update right away when I come back.. :) thanks for your patience. :)

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