Chapter EIGHT

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Camellia Frost

Monday has come and no sign of red head and blondie approaching me. I saw Amy smiling smiling at me, in an evil way. It's like an "I win, you lose" kind of smile. I don't know and I don't care. As long as I start my day by myself, I'll end it that way as well. Since red head and blondie isn't with me now, I'll be able to eat lunch in peace already.

Just like the old times, I went to my classes without talking or looking at anybody, even blondie during Chemistry class. Red head seems to be absent since the third seat is not occupied. I was a bit bothered by the thought of red head being absent today. What if she got depressed and killed herself? Will it be my fault? I hope not. My conscience won't let me sleep if that's the case.

Half of the day passed by so fast and it's lunch time. I went to the rooftop, quietly sat in the shaded area and ate as peacefully and quietly as I could. I miss this environment but somehow I felt like, something's missing. Maybe my lunch isn't enough? Well, I'm kind of full. What seems to be missing I wonder? 

I sighed heavily and didn't mind the lacking feeling I felt at this moment. I rested my head at the wall I've been resting my back for a while and decided to take a nap for a little while. I've been stressed out since last week. I need to rest for a while and forget the unusual feelings I have newly felt since last week. I hope this'll just go away when I woke up. I hope red head won't pop out of my head at the very random hour of the day. I also hope I won't run into blondie. He looks at me with disappointing eyes. I hated that. I hated that look. I started closing my eyes and quickly drifted to sleep.


I felt a drop of water fall on my forehead and I thought it was a dream. I didn't bother opening my eyes until it continuously dropped all over my face and then I realize, it was starting to rain. 

I quickly took my lunch box and headed downstairs only to know that classes have already ended. In short, I skipped four classes today. How unproductive of me.

I decided to go home after mentally scolding myself for sleeping during lunch time. I was walking silently down the hall when all of a sudden, I heard a couple of girl's voices in the girl's bathroom bullying another girl.

"huh! you think you're all that? You even tried to seduce my boyfriend huh?" I didn't mean to eavesdrop but she seems to talk loudly knowing that student's are no longer around.

"you cheap thing! Don't think highly of yourself you tomato head!" Another voice said. When she said "Tomato head" I suddenly stopped walking. I don't know why but I just did. I listened closely trying to find out who are they bullying.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't even know who's your boyfriend. I don't know any of you! please just let me pass through!" A familiar voice said. No doubt. It's the red head.

"You know I have an Idea. Let's shave her head so you won't be able to do your seducing powers against our boyfriends you slut." The girl I heard that spoke first said as the sound of a razor buzzed.

"no please! What are you doing! let go of me!!" She shouted. I don't know what got into me but I went in and they all stopped what they're doing.

"What the hell are you doing in this hour you freak?" Some senior told me. I simply ignored her and went to red head. 

As what I've said, I didn't know what got into me but I felt the urge to help her. To save her. but why? Why do I want to help her? Why do I want to be involved with this bothersome situation. I could've just ignored them and walked home but why? why did I entered anyway? Does this have to do with what blondie said last saturday?

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