Chapter TEN

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Camellia Frost

I didn't know what got into me but, why am I here with Lianna in a mall trying to wear this uncomfortable piece of dress that nearly showed my EVERYTHING.

Mom unexpectedly permitted me to go, which was a bit strange, and told me to be back by eleven.

They liked Lianna so it was a plus factor when she came and talked with them for me.

"I don't think I can wear these too Lianna!" I shouted as she opened the curtains and shocked me to death.

"You are smokin' HOT!" She said as I tried to cover myself with my hands. Who would wear this red strapless dress who's skirt's so short that it nearly exposed your bum and exposes your sides and has a hole beneath your boobs? What am I? a slut?

"no. I don't want this. and I told you, I have dresses in my house." I told her but she just shook her head.

"you ain't wearing anything that's already worn twice Camie." She said as I sighed heavily.

"how about giving me a dress that's at least more comfortable and more suitable to me. Please?" I said as she groaned and gave up.

"fine! here! I know this is your style so go try it on." She said as she gave the dress..

Well, I liked it. Not too showy but not too formal. I guess I'll go with this.

Elyar Fox

tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick..


It was the last bell of the day on the last day of the week and all of them were like "it's PARTY TIME!"

Well, first of all, this party is supposed to be my advanced Birthday Party, since my birthday falls on a sunday and I don't want to be the cause of everyone's absences, but everybody seems to not know that and I didn't mind telling them. I mean, what's the point anyway? They're gonna get drunk, some will get laid and get the worst hangover after. It's not like they're gonna make this day special. They're here to party and get drunk. That's all that matters to them.

I went home and arranged everything like keeping the vases, paintings and other valuable things that might broke when everybody started dancing and doing other stuff. I kept my parent's room locked.

"El! Marsha's here! I'll be going now! I'll be back by noon tomorrow." Evy said as she carried her backpack and another shoulder bag going outside.

"Just be careful okay? Hope you have a great time." I said as I gave her the money that mom gave to us.

"Thanks. I'll be going now. And lock my room please. I don't want anyone making out on my bed." She said. I laughed and ruffled her hair before heading out.

Evy was going to her friend's slumber party tonight and what a coincidence, I was having my own party at our house.. not. The truth is, she was not on the mood on going. I just forced her to go since tonight's not healthy for her, both physically and mentally. I don't want her seeing A LOT of things that can happen during the party. She's just 14!

Anyway, I prepared the ginormous speakers and asked Amy to contact the DJ she was talking about on the day I told her about the party. Like everyone, she doesn't know about the cause of this party. Well, I wanted it to be fair to everyone. Even Camellia and Lianna didn't know.

After a while, the food has arrived and Amy , Alvin and my other friends came with loads of alcoholic drinks for tonight.

"Isn't that too much?" I asked them but they just laughed at me.

"you don't know how many people are coming tonight. Based on experience, it triple the number you invited." Amy said as she filled our fridge with the drinks they bought.

"Chill dude! tonight's gonna be fun. I'm sure of it." Alvin said as he helped Amy with the drinks.

I went to my room and locked myself in it before keeping all things valuable and embarassing before anybody tries to enter and do something. Alvin made sure to let me know this. Oh I totally forgot.. This will be the first and last time that I'll ever have a house party. I've been into many parties before but never really organized one. Well, I just hope it will turn out great.


"So what do you think?! Cool huh!" Alvin came to me and danced to the beat of the blaring music the DJ has been playing. Yeah, he was really amazing.

"Yup! It's amazing alright!" I told him as he stopped dancing and looked at who arrived.

"who is that chick? She is so yummy." Alvin said as I turned aroudn to see Lianna and Camellia coming our way. Lianna waved at us as she ran and dragged Camellia.

"Hey! Glad you could make it!" I said at the both of them.

"Yeah. I'm responsible for her tonight so we'll be off by eleven." Lianna said as Alvin shoved me out of the way. What is he doing?

"Hey there beautiful. I'm Alvin. Elyar's bestfriend. What's your name?" He said as he flirts with Lianna. I can't believe he's actually doing it here. In front of me.

"uhhhm. I don't think so. Come on Camie! Let's dance!" Lianna said as she dragged Camellia to the crowd and danced with the others.

"that was a first." I said as Alvin glared at me.

"Feisty. I love Feisty." He said as he made his way through the crowd and back again to me.

"Would you do me a favor? take Camellia with you so feisty and I would know each other well.. You know what I mean?" He asked but I was kind of pissed off by that. Lianna's my friend. I don't want to hurt her.

"Make fun of any other girl but her. She's Camellia's bestfriend and I don't want her to get hurt." I said as I made sure that I was making a serious face which tells him to stop messing around.

"geez. What a party pooper. I was just joking." He said but I wasn't convinced at all.

"then that was a bad joke." I said as I went to the crowd to look for them only to find Lianna dancing with another guy in the center. I went inside to check if Camellia was here and yep, she's on the couch sitting and drinking by herself.

"Hey." I said as I sat beside her. She tensed a bit but relaxed when she saw it was me.

"Hey." She quietly responded.

"Having a good time?" I asked her as she nodded and drank.. coke. Wow. This is new.

"Yeah and uhhh I kind of took a can of coke in your fridge. Alcohols are not my thing. I hope you don't mind." She said it like a whisper.

"I don't mind. Be my guest" I shouted beside her since It was very, very loud.

"Wanna go upstairs? It's bit crowded in here." I said. She nodded as I helped her get up. Unlike most girls here, she went to a party wearing flat shoes and the most conservative dress I have ever seen tonight.

"So uhhm-" I was cut off when she handed me a small box with a blue ribbon on it.

"I may sound weird but, I uhhhmm.. knew that your birthday's on sunday and.. here. Happy Birthday.. In advance." She said and I couldn't help but smile. A wide smile as I accepted the gift.

"Thanks." I said.

woooooooohooooooo! another chapter and I hope you like it! :D

A Billion "I Love You" (Elyar Fox FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon