Chapter SEVEN

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Camellia Frost

Being bullied, insulted and discriminated by other people in school or in any other places,I could really live with that, but being with these two idiots right now on a saturday? THIS I can't live with. 

I didn't know what's got into me or what made me approve of this red head's childish deal. 


"HEEEEEEEEEEEEYY!!!! CAMIEEEEEE!! Wait up!" She yelled a few blocks behind me which I ignored at first and kept my pace in a faster one but one thing I knew about her is that, she's in the track team. And she's freakin' fast! She ran to me and squeezed me with her powerful hug.

"Wanna Hang out tomorrow?" She asked.

"no." I coldly told her.

"Come on! Live a little!" She said once again.

"no." I said as I took out a book from my bag and decided to read while walkinga and ignore this creature beside me.

"Please?" She asked but this time I didn't said a word.

I was concentrating on my book when all of a sudden, the red head jumped in front of me that took me off guard. My eyes widen and I could see the amused look on her face.

"So you do have other emotions other than that blank face you usually show us." She said as I walk past her and continued walking towards my house.

"How about this. I'll leave you alone only if you agree to go out with us tomorrow." She said. 

"Leave you alone.."

"Leave you alone.."



Those were the only words that echoed in my mind and all of a sudden, I closed my book and looked back at her.

"deal." I said as she jumped in excitement. She was jumping, laughing and telling me her plans for tomorrow but I didn't mind her. The only thing that's been on my mind is that.. They'll finally leave me alone.

"heeeeeeeeey!" I heard the annoying blondie's voice as he approached us being all bright and smiley. I will never ever gonna fall for that. 

"HEEEEEEY!!" red head waved at him. I on the other hand just looked at him with my usual emotionless face.

"Shall we?" He said as red head lead the way to her plan on making this a great day.. yehey.. not.

The only thing that would make my day complete are my books and my painting. I could paint all day and read books in between breaks. That's how I spend my weekend and it makes me alive. Going shopping, sight seeing and other outdoor activities makes my feet hurt and I don't want that but I need to do this so they would leave me alone. I can't wait for that day to come. I can't wait for this day to end and have a peaceful and happy school year starting on monday.

"looooooook! CLAW MACHINES!!" Red head pointed at some claw machines in an arcade and went to buy some tokens. 

Me and blondie here just looked at her as she failed for several times. She really won't give up until she gets what she wants doesn't she. Blondie here just laughed at her as he goes for a try and just like red head, he wasn't able to get at least one plushie.

"You wanna try it Camellia?" Elyar handed me a token but I returned it to him. I don't want to waste my time and his money for something so impossible.

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