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Camellia's POV

I ran away from them knowing that Elyar was right. I don't know the feeling of being lead on, what right do I have to lecture him like that? UGH! I was really stupid! Now he's mad at me. He'll hate me then forget me and maybe his feelings for Hyacinth might come back. What if that happens then? What will happen to me? Will I be alone again? Lianna would still be there, but Elyar is different. I like him on a different level. What should I do? Should I go back? Maybe I should. I should go back and apologize. This won't work. I need to lower my pride to work this out with him. I need to-


I stopped walking to turn around and go back but I was ran over by the guy I wanted to see now. Yes. Elyar was chasing me while I was walking out of the school.

"w-why are you-" I was about to ask him why he was chasing me when all of a sudden, he crashed his lips onto mine.

"What are you doing?! We're still at school you know!" I whispered-shouted at him as he smiled and rubbed his nose against the tip of my nose.

"But no one's around but us." He whined like a 6-year-old boy.

"that doesn't mean you won't get off me. You're really heavy el." I said as he hurriedly stood up and helped me.

"So.. why did you chase after me?" I asked. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and said,

"Why did you turn around then?"

"I asked first." I said 

"fine. I wanted to tell you that you're right. I did feel happier than before and being able to forgive her makes me feel lighter. Thanks to you I realized that keeping grudges on people is the most troublesome thing to do." He said as he came closer to me.

"why did you turn around then?" He asked once again.

"I-I wanted to apologize. I don't want to make you angry.." I said. I looked on my feet as I played with my fingers when all of a sudden, a pair of hands cupped my cheeks and lifted it up. We're now looking at each other's eyes.

"You don't have to apologize. I should be the one that needs to apologize to you." He said.

"I'm sorry for saying those words to you Camie." He added.

"You are forgiven." I said as I patted his head like a dog.

"I love you." He said after laughing a bit.

"I love you too." I answered.


Everything was fine after what happened yesterday. Hyacinth became my friend  and I'm really really happy that I could be friends with two beautiful girls.

"Yo Elyar! there's a party-" Alvin suddenly appeared in front of us during lunch break but he was cut off by Elyar saying,

"No thank you." 

"ow! Come on! Camellia! help me here." He said as he begged me for my permission. Why would I be the one to decide for Elyar? I'm not his mom or something.

"It's fine by me El. I'm not the clingy type." I said as I elbowed his arm softly.

"See? Come on!" He said as Elyar faced me.

"Can I bring them?" He asked. Alvin nodded happily as Elyar gave him a thumbs up.

"Yes! I'll text you the address. Be there at 8 on friday." Alvin said as he jumped his way out of our table.

"I can't come. I was grounded during your festival week until now." Hyacinth said.

"aw too bad. I'll go though since.. he's asking for it." Lianna said as she pouted a bit and crossed his arms in front of her chest.

"wait. Don't tell me.." Elyar trailed off before Lianna looked at him with wode eyes.

"n-no! It's not what you think!" She screamed.

"You like him don't you?" I said as I ate my lunch giving her an emotionless face.

"I told you! That's not what you think!" She said.

"You're stuttering, cheeks are red, defensive and.. uncontrollable shaking.. you're obviously nervous and that's enough to prove that you really like him." Hyacinth said as she sighed and gave a defeated face.

"fine. I like him. but he doesn't like me back. He's a player and only loves to party. He's not the serious type." Lianna said as she gave me a sad look.

"We'll help you then. Just you wait till friday." I said as she smiled at me. 


"Let's get to class." Elyar said as we all stood up, fixed our things and went to our classroom.


Elyar's POV

"Where's Camellia?" Evy asked the moment she saw me walking towards the car.

"They said they're going shopping." I said. I felt bad when Hyacinth and Lianna shooed me away the moment I told them I was coming. Can't I assist them in shopping or something? Can't I??? huh?!

"Oh don't be sad. It's a girl thing. Camellia doesn't want to burden you since their only going to female shops. And you won't like it when girls shop." Evy said professionally as she went inside the car.

"Why do you know all these things? Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked protectively.

"no. but I once HAD one." She smiled. My eyes widen at her. She had a boyfriend?! During middle school?! Why couldn't I have a girlfriend during my middle school days?! 

We got home from a noisy and energetic trip from school. Evy won't stop teasing me with Camellia shopping without me. Well, I can manage tailing behind her while she shops all night, as long as it's her. She's not the naggy, clingy and complicated kind of girl. She's simply, Camellia and I like her that way.

"El! The door's unlocked." Evy said almost like a whisper after slightly turning the knob of the front door.

"What if it is a burglar? kidnapper? or murderer?!" She panicked. I hurriedly opened the door, ready to punch that piece of trash entering our home without our permission when all of a sudden, four arms hugged us both so tight, we can't even breathe.

"mom? dad?" Evy said.

"we're home!" They chorused.

UPDATE!!! :D Thanks for reading!

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