• Chapter 8 •

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The music booms loudly as we pull up to this massive house and get out of the car. The front door's already open and I come in contact with what looks to be a zoo. These kids are drinking, dancing, making out, laughing, and a fight breaks out between two guys.

"And this my dear, is a display of teenagers in their natural habitat."

I chuckle and pull my phone out, pretending to take notes. "Loud, obnoxious, horny... What else?"

Eric shakes his head at me and laughs as two people stop by us. "Eric, hey! It's so great to see you! How was your summer?" a stunning red-head smiles brightly at Eric.

I shift my gaze to the guy standing next to her. I can't help but notice he looks like Hercules, a blonde version of Hercules. He notices me staring and stares back so intensely that my stomach begins knotting up. Jeez... How intimidating can you get?

His aura screams fuck off and fuck me. But right now I'm getting fuck off vibes... I finally find the strength to look away and shift my gaze to Eric. I am not going to fit into this school if everyone looks like this.

"It was great, thanks. It's nice to see you too, Kate. Ashton," he nods towards the guy, who finally stops staring at me and deadpans Eric with a slight nod of acknowledgment of his own.

Kate looks at me and smiles sweetly. "Who's your friend?" she asks Eric, but stares at me.

"I'm Clementine," I surprise myself by speaking.

"Pretty name!" she compliments.

"Thank you, nice place."

She laughs and shrugs, as though this mansion isn't a big deal. "Thanks! Drinks are in the back, snacks too. Enjoy yourselves," she tells us as she sashays past us and leads Ashton upstairs.

I turn back to Eric, "Is everyone here that... Intimidating?" I ask with wide eyes.

He snorts, "What do you mean?"

"Um, are you blind? Did you see them?" I hiss. This year is going to be terrible. This was a bad idea. I can't do this—

"Chill, Minty. Kate's pretty, yeah. Sweet too, but she's got no substance," he shrugs. "As for Ashton, he's the brooding hottie of the class, girls like to say, I guess. He's cool, but he doesn't really talk or hang out with anyone other than Kate. He's more of a lone wolf," he informs me. "You've got way more substance and personality than both combined, people are intimidated by you."

I smile at his attempt to hype me up and ease my nerves. Still, I should probably ask him about everyone here. Get their background checks, be prepared for any possible threats—

Ugh, you're not going to war, Clementine.

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