• Chapter 79 •

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He nods slowly and licks his lips. "Okay. Uh... Wait like two minutes before you come in," he stammers a laugh.

I nod, "Kay."

He motions for me not to move and rushes off towards his room. Relax, Clem. You got this. He doesn't care that it's your first time. He won't judge. Should I even tell him? Who cares if your feelings for him are just luke-warm? He's hot, he's caring, he's your first boyfriend. Why not have fun, right?

Why am I talking myself into this? Is that a good sign or a bad one? Shit. I'm gonna over-think everything.

Hurry up, Adrien.


I snap out of my thoughts and flinch back. My heart sinks when I see Ashton standing in front of me. I clench my jaw and my mouth runs dry.

He kind of looks... Pissed off.

"What do you want?"

He shrugs, "Saw your little public display of affection, there..."

My cheeks blaze. For some reason, having Ashton witness me being a horny little bitch makes me embarrassed. I replace my embarrassment with cool-anger, "Um, okay. And?"

He looks like he's in a mental-debate with himself, "I just—I wanna make sure you're going at your pace."

I frown, "My pace? What is that supposed to mean?"

He doesn't say anything, he just stares at me like I'm stupid.

The anger bubbles up in my chest, "I have complete control over everything that's going on! Why would you think this isn't my pace?"

"Uhm. Maybe because he's your first boyfriend?"

I want to slap him. I really do.

"What? How would you know that?"

He rolls his eyes, "Really? It's not that hard to tell, seeing as to how little control you actually have over your... Hormones. Also. You've been locked up for seventeen years."

I clench my jaw. "Why do you even care, Ashton? I thought you said we weren't friends," I sneer.

He shakes his head, "I don't. We're not."

Sticks and stones. I swallow my anger and slightly hurt emotions and nod, thankful that he has made the decision of whether I'll be sleeping with Adrien or not tonight easier.

"Right. If you'll excuse me, I have to go," I spin on my heel and stumble across the stupid fucking table and fall.

I swear to myself as I wring out some of this beer off my shirt. Why do I keep falling around Ashton?

"Shit. Can you be any more clumsy? Watch where you're going!" he hisses as he bends down to help.

I smack his hand away and stand, glaring at him. Ashton's eyes focus on the floor. He squints, as though trying to decipher something. His eyebrows knit together and frown lines mark his face. I look down in confusion, and horror dawns on me.

The. Condom. Fell. Out. Of. My. Fucking. Bra.

Ashton looks up at me in shock-terror. I press my lips together awkwardly and quickly pick it up. "You didn't see shit..." I mumble.

"What the hell do you think you're going to do with that?" his tone is fury-filled.

I frown, "Eat it."

"What do you think I'm going to do with it?" I look at him like he's stupid. Which he is. So fucking stupid. And annoying. And confusing. Fucking hell.

"Over my dead body."

A shiver runs down my spine, "Excuse me?"

He's not even trying to hide his apparent anger towards this situation, which confuses me so much more.

"There's no way in hell I'm going to let you do that," he barks as he snatches the condom from my hand.

My jaw drops and I snatch it back from him. "Who the fuck do you think you are? My dad? It's none of your fucking business whether I do that or not. We're not even friends!" I bark, absolutely baffled by his behavior.

"It is my business!" he snaps, then swears under his breath.

He shakes his head to himself and looks back up at me, ignoring his last comment.

"You've only been with him for a month."

"So? Like you're one to talk," I snap. "You sleep with people, even when you're in a relationship with Kate!" I remember what Aya, Hana, and Ashu were telling me during gym class about Kate and Ashton cheating on each other.

Ashton seems confused. Okay... Maybe I'm a little drunk. And pissed. And it might be low, and none of my business. But am I wrong for calling him out on his shit? First, he tells me he doesn't care about me and doesn't want to be friends. And now he's acting like my fucking dad, telling me I can't sleep with my own boyfriend.

How dare he? Who does he think he is? AGH, THE NERVE!

"Um. That's not true at all?"

I wave him off dismissively, "I really couldn't give less of a fuck. I don't care. I'm not judging you, so stop trying to judge me—"

"I've never cheated on Kate. I've slept with other people, yes. But I've never cheated on her."

I frown, "That makes no sense! You guys have been together forever."

His eyebrows knit together, "I don't know who has been feeding you this shit, but it's not true. Kate and I have been on and off for the past year. We were never together before that. We have broken up, and when we do, yeah we sleep with other people. But I've never cheated on her."

My stomach tangles up in knots, I can't help but feel stupid and guilty for making such accusations without asking him, first. Wait. Scratch that, I don't owe him the benefit of the doubt. I don't care about him, we're not friends.

"Kay. Well. I gotta go," Adrien's taking forever. And Ashton is pissing me off and confusing me.

I turn to leave, only to freeze up at his next words.

"Minty, please..."

My heart skips a beat at the use of my very reserved, special nickname. I turn back to look at his face, and he's not angry or judgemental or annoyed. He's afraid.

"Don't do it."

My stomach drops at his pained, desperate expression. My heart aches terribly, and a pit forms in my stomach. I don't understand what he's doing.

I shake my head, "I—I'll see you later, Ashton..." I quickly walk away from him, feeling the need to be as far away from him as possible right now.

Why is he confusing me like this? I glance back at him before darting into Adrien's room, just for a moment.

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