Chapter 33: Participants

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"You got this Teia-chan." (A certain pure white flying cat.)

And an invisible 'Go Teia-chan' cheer squad in the background comprised of Aurora, Celisa, Josa, and Morgiana. They had wanted to call her 'Sti-chan', but that sounded too similar to Sting so they ditched the idea. Zuki's encouragement had been a whisper, but Steia caught it. And the other immortals in the arena, unfortunately. But at least the cheer squad was invisible to all but the Eternalis...?

"Go Sting-kun!" (A certain burgundy flying cat.)

Wait. Can Lector fly? I think he can. Right?

"Do your best, Elf-nii-chan!" (A certain conceited b**** who hopefully has changed her ways.)

As bright as ever...

"Good luck, Rufus." (A certain semi-snobby lady dressed in furs.)

Minerva. Duh.

"Don't lose, Sherria, or I'll make you spin!" (A certain old lady.)

She was already spinning Lyon and Yuka, so...

"Master! Teacher! Leader! Succeed with your parfumé!!"

Sparkly... and ugly. 'Cuz Ichiya is and I hate him, so why not?

"Millianna, try your best!" (A certain group of girls.)

...No comment...

"Your soul will always be wild!!" (A certain kinda/semi/ish drunk mage in purple.)

And there was Quatro Puppy. A loud cry was the sole reply.

Why the encouragement? Well, let's see...

--a few minutes ago--

"And now, we will begin our first event of the day-pabo! It is called Vortex, and it is practically exactly what it's name suggests-pabo!"

The pumpkin coughed before continuing.

"The contestants will be scattered randomly through a huge tornado when the event starts-pabo. Each contestant will have to fend for themselves and try to stay afloat-pabo. At the very bottom of the vortex is a huge black void, and if you get sucked in, you are eliminated-pabo. And what happens to you when you're eliminated-pabo..." An evil glint could be seen Mato's eyes and most people shivered.

"Anyways," Chapati cleared his throat, glaring at Mato. "If you manage to hit another contestant, they lose a point and you gain one. They also are subjected to a stronger pull from the vortex. Whoever manages to hit the most people and stay as high as they can in the vortex within the time limit wins!"

"Now, who will participate-pabo? Guilds, please select your contestants-pabo! You have five minutes-pabo!"

And so, everyone started choosing.

"Looks like we have Sherria Blendy from Lamia Scale as a participant-pabo!"

This started up the crowd again.

"And Rufus Lore from Sabertooth!"

The crowd cheered louder.

"Following is Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki from Blue Pegasus-pabo!"

The crowd's cheering dimmed a bit.

"Warcry from Quatro Cerberus!"

No reaction.

"Elfman Strauss from Fairy Tail!"

The cheering continued.

"Steia Emerita from Eternal Destiny."

The crowd went silent.

"Of the Eternalis."

As all eyes in the arena were trained on Eternal Destiny, Steia disappeared.

Shocked, the audience blinked at the words she left behind. The glowing white words rapidly appeared, letter by letter.

'Look down,' it said. 'Look down! I'm right here!'

As everyone's attention turned to the arena, Steia stood, still in one piece.

"Cool." One little boy in the audience whispered, by then shouted it again. "Cool!"

The audience, shaken out of their daze by the little boy's yell, screamed their approval along with him. Soon, the area was shaking with the sounds of thousands yelling "Cool".

What are they, Jason?

Speaking of the devil, the reporter himself then screamed something into his microphone at the top of his lungs.


Once again, the arena was shocked into silence. Mato took this as his chance to introduce the last participate.

"And the guild you've all be waiting for..."

Dramatic pause....


The crowd started screaming again, but a piercing gaze from the -- apparent -- unnamed leader of the Eternalis silenced them.

No, it wasn't just a piercing gaze. She put some ice magic behind it, but no one needed to know that.

Her exceed, Yuci, sighed. "Chill, girl. Chill."

She rolled her eyes and focused back on the pumpkin.

"One more thing-pabo. This event is dedicated to the Kate Yukino Aguria-pabo. May she rest in peace."

Aurora caught Sting clench his fist just a tiny bit, but no one else did. Or so she thought. A certain dragon slayer was watching and he too caught it, but they were the only ones.

"Now, let Vortex begin-pabo!!"


So you guys want a fight scene? If you want, I'll make a Chapter 33.5 for it. It up to y'all!

Also, do you guys think this story's moving too fast or too slow?

Do you want me to edit or to just update?

Please please please please please help me out. I know there are readers out there who don't comment, and it makes me sad. I don't have a lot of readers, but seeing the ones I have comment really makes me happy.

Help me out, will ya? 🙂

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