Episode 1

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Okay so I know some of you might be aware that you have read this story before but that is because someone has copied it from my YouTube channel and posted it as their own. To prove that this story is mine here is the whole story at once. I hate to shame but DEMI_STAY_STRONG is the account name who has been stealing my stories but I hope posting this whole story all at once will prove that it is mine. 


Demi woke up by the sound of her alarm buzzing in her ear. She groaned leaning over switching he alarm off and she made the mistake of laying her head back down on her pillow slowly falling back to sleep until she forced herself awake sitting up on the bed. She rubbed her face gently before she grabbed her phone finding herself on her phone checking over it before she would get out of bed and start to get ready for the day.

"Demi are you awake?!" She heard her mother's voice and Demi rolled her eyes gently swinging her legs over the edge of the bed.

"Yes mom!" She shouted back. "I'm just gonna take a shower!"

"I'll start making breakfast!" Dianna called but Demi didn't reply not wanting to have a conversation with her mom from across the house. She stood up on her feet grabbing herself some comfortable clothes to change into whilst she had breakfast before she would decide what she was wearing for the day. She exited her room and headed into the bathroom. She switched the shower so it could warm up whilst she got herself unchanged and ran a hairbrush through her hair. She took her time, shampooing her hair then running some conditioner just through the tips. She washed her body before rinsing both the bubbled and the conditioner. She stepped out of the shower grabbing a towel. She wrapped it around her head so water wouldn't drip from her hair onto her shoulders. She dried and dressed herself into a pair of cotton shorts and an old shirt. She wandered downstairs and sat down at the table in the kitchen just in time for Dianna to slip a omelette on a plate passing it over.

"Thanks mom." She stated.

"You're welcome," She replied sitting down with her daughter at the table with a coffee. She had already had her breakfast with her husband before he went to work. "You excited for your first day at your new school?"

"Of course not," She mumbled. "I'm not gonna know anyone or where anything is. I'm going to be the new girl all over again." Demi picked at her food a little bit.

"We just want you to be comfortable in school, we'll find the right school for you." Dianna vowed.

"There won't be a right school mom, every school is gonna have horrible teachers and kids who will tease and bully me. It was all over the news mom, people are gonna know." Demi urged.

"I know but we'll get there alright? You're a senior now, you don't have long left then you have your whole life ahead of you. You're gonna do so well Demi. I know that much." Dianna praised and Demi felt a little better hearing that from her mother.

"Can you drop me off and pick me up just for today? I just need it today." Demi begged slightly and Dianna smiled reaching over holding her hand calming Demi down a little more.

"Of course I will, anything you want now eat up so you can get ready." Dianna encouraged and Demi took her hand back beginning to eat again as she was in conversation with her mother. Demi knew this was the last school in town for her to go to without having to travel. She didn't know that if this school didn't work out then Dianna was thinking about homeschooling her daughter just so she can graduate and do as well as Dianna knew she could.

Demi leaned over in the car giving her mom a hug before she got out of the car waving goodbye as Dianna drove off. She turned around gulping slightly as she stared at the school in front of her. It was the biggest one she had been to so far which meant more students. She couldn't cope with anymore bullying. She hoped this school would be different but she had some doubts. Demi headed up the visitors pathway towards reception which was where she was told to report to.

"Hi I'm new starting here today." She stated.

"Demi is it?" She inquired and Demi nodded her head gently. "There is everything you need here, there is a map of the school too so you can find your way. Shout up if you need anything though and we'll be happy to help."

"Thank you." Demi breathed.

"If you just sit down and wait for a bit a student is coming to show you around during homeroom." Demi cracked a small smile thanking her again before she sat down on the chairs provided. She found herself looking through what the reception lady had given her to try and keep her nerves calm but she knew there was a lot riding on this school and she wanted to do her parents proud. Show them that she could do this and graduate because she knew they were doubting it at the moment. She looked up when someone came through from the school and over to reception but he soon turned around to her.

"Come on, I'll be showing you around." He stated a warm smile on his face.


Thank you! x

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